Re: [gnso-sti] RE: Draft STI Report- Part II
NCSG will be sending its detailed comments on this draft to this list shortly from Kathy. I wanted to make a general comment in the meantime about the use "unanimous consensus" to describe support the URS and "rough consensus" to describe support for the Trademark Clearinghouse in the Report. From NCSG's perspective, the URS should be more accurately characterized as "rough consensus" since NCSG's first preference was not to create one at all, but we agreed to this as a compromise to induce the roll-out of new gtlds. Our support for the URS is contingent upon that understanding, so I'd suggest re-wording the first paragraph of the URS section as follows (changes in blue): There is a rough consensus among the members of STI that creation of a Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) procedure would be a beneficial rights protection mechanism for inclusion in the New GTLD program. The STI recognizes that the URS could provide trademark holders with a cost effective, expedited process in instances of clear cut instances of trademark abuse, provided that the procedure includes appropriate safeguards to protect registrants who may engage in legitimate uses of domain names. Despite the expedited nature of the URS, staff shall recommend a uniform procedure for and URS Service providers shall provide procedures consistent with fair notice, justice, and due process. Thanks, Robin On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:57 PM, Margie Milam wrote: Dear All,Attached for your review is the second draft of the STI Report, that includes the Trademark Clearinghouse and URS recommendations.Although I have received a number of comments already to the first draft, this version does not address any of them except to change the references of “broad consensus” to “rough consensus.” I thought it would be more appropriate to wait for additional comments before circulating the next draft.Best Regards, Margie _____________ Margie Milam Senior Policy Counselor ICANN _____________ <STI-WT - Draft Recommendations - v-2.doc> IP JUSTICE Robin Gross, Executive Director 1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA p: +1-415-553-6261 f: +1-415-462-6451 w: e: robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx