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Re: [gnso-travel-dt] Re: Draft document and next steps

  • To: "Tim Ruiz" <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-travel-dt] Re: Draft document and next steps
  • From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 19:15:04 -0300

Thanks Tim!
Other comments?
Best regards

2008/11/29 Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> > we could consider the following text as
> > our drafted version.
> Agreed.
> Tim
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] Re: Draft document and next steps
> From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, November 27, 2008 11:15 am
> To: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx, "Glen_de_Saint_Géry"
> <glen@xxxxxxxxx>, "Olga Cavalli" <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>
> Dear collegues,
> we were not successful with the Doodle in arrangin our next conference
> call.
> On the other hand we should agree on a draft text to send for
> consideration to the Council.
> If I recieve no other comments or suggestions then we could consider the
> following text as our drafted version.
> Any comments are welcome.
> Best regards
> Olga
> Allocation and Control:
> The total GNSO Travel support budget (less the amount allotted to the
> NCAs and GNSO Council chair) should be divided to the extent possible on
> an equal basis among the GNSO constituencies.
> The use of travel support funds is for travel to ICANN meetings,
> including regional, inter-sessional, and face-to-face working group
> meetings.
> The use of travel support funds is to be solely determined by each
> constituency independently as it sees fit to most effectively progress
> the work of the GNSO.
> The GNSO Council has no role in deciding how these funds are allocated
> to individuals.
> Transparency and Reporting:
> The names of all who receive travel support must be made known publicly.
> What is covered for each (e.g. air fare, accommodations, per diem –
> not the dollar amounts) must also be made public.
> Everyone who is supported must make known (e.g. in a report) publicly
> the dates of travel, accommodations (which hotel) and meetings attended
> and/or work accomplished. Note: This should take less than a page to
> describe.
> 2008/11/20 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> I have recieved contributions from Greg and Tim for our draft document.
> Following this message you can find a text I prepared with both
> contributions, also you can find the comments after our meeting with
> Doug Brent.
> My suggestions for next steps are:
> - Work on the final text of the "principle" document , we can make this
> online trough the list or in a conference call.
> - Request feedback from DB in relation with possible flexibility for
> funds allocation.
> - Define a group within GNSO so  ICANN staff can have a permanent
> contact to provide input about  travel issues, in both phases (until
> June and after). I want to volunteer myself for be part of this group.
> Perhaps our drafting team could remain as a group for this purpose.
> Your comments are welcome.
> Best regards
> Olga
> Drafted text with Greg and Tim Contributions:
> Allocation and Control:
> The total GNSO Travel support budget (less the amount allotted to the
> NCAs and GNSO Council chair) should be divided to the extent possible on
> an equal basis among the GNSO constituencies.
> The use of travel support funds is for travel to ICANN meetings,
> including regional, inter-sessional, and face-to-face working group
> meetings.
> The use of travel support funds is to be solely determined by each
> constituency independently as it sees fit to most effectively progress
> the work of the GNSO.
> The GNSO Council has no role in deciding how these funds are allocated
> to individuals.
> Transparency and Reporting:
> The names of all who receive travel support must be made known publicly.
> What is covered for each (e.g. air fare, accommodations, per diem –
> not the dollar amounts) must also be made public.
> Everyone who is supported must make known (e.g. in a report) publicly
> the dates of travel, accommodations (which hotel) and meetings attended
> and/or work accomplished. Note: This should take less than a page to
> describe.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2008/11/5 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> In this message I am including notes from the meeting we held yesterday
> and some general comments fom us.
> The proposed next steps could be:
> - Prepare our document with principles, as established before in our
> calls, then we can provide this imput to ICANN staff.
> - FInd a date and time for our next conference call.
> Any suggestions for week of next call? Then Glen can help us with a
> doodle to find day and time.
> Please remember to send text in order to feed our "principles draft
> document". Greg already did.
> Regards to all
> Olga
> Meeting with Doug Brent and Liz Gaster
> Tuesday Nov 3rd, 208
> Cairo
> Council members present in the meeting: Robin, Zahid, Olga
> Notes taken during the meeting:
> Stakeholder groups will allocate council seats in GNSO after
> restructuring.
> GNSO must define how to allocate travel funds from today until June.
> Funds may go to other participants not only councelors.
> This assignment will be defined by GNSO.
> Flexibility and partial founding for using funds could be possible, Doug
> will try to find a way to solve this demand.
> The problem with partial funding is that in ICANN there is fiduciary
> control that makes it difficult.
> DB will contact ICANN CFO to find an intermediate solution for the
> partial funding and flexibility issue.
> DB said it could be very useful for him and other staff members that
> GNSO may set up a group that provides input about this travel issues, in
> both phases (until June and after).
> DB expressed that this group should also define a set of principles in
> order to help them with the definition of the travel support policy.
> DB would like to have in 3 or 4 week GNSO input about the use of travel
> funds.
> General Comments from us
> Funds should be divided equally between existing constituencies (after
> subtracting NCA travel) between now and June 09.
> We could propose that founds should be divided between constituencies or
> stakeholder groups as may become clearer closer to June 09 once the
> restructuring of the houses is firmed up and allow discussions in Mexico
> feed into the policy.
> We should continue to work towards a longer-term policy.
> We stress to staff that we REALLY need to find a way for flexibility and
> that legal fiduciary duties really do not require the DEGREE of rigidity
> that we have seen in the past.  There can be some middle ground and we
> hope to find it.

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