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[gnso-vi-feb10] FW: URGENT Volunteers for Working Group for the Vertical Integration PDP

  • To: "Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx" <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] FW: URGENT Volunteers for Working Group for the Vertical Integration PDP
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 01:08:29 -0700

Forwarded From: Mike Silber

Thanks for the reminder Glen.

Responses below.



On 2010/03/30 02:28 PM, Glen de Saint Géry wrote:
To be added as an observer only!

1.            Current vocation, employer and position

Regulatory lawyer at Neotel (Proprietary) Limited, specifically General 
Manager: Regulatory

2.            Type of work performed in 1 above

Internal regulatory counsel for a South African telecommunications operator.

3.            Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership 
interest in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested parties 
in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or 
other  arrangement

Non-executive director of .za Domain name Authority, registry for .za

4.            Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN policy 
development outcomes.  Are you representing other parties?
None and not representing any other party.

5.            Describe any arrangements or agreements between you and any other 
group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination or selection as an 
advisory group team member


6.            Geographic Region associated with the nationality of volunteer 
(Africa, North America, Latin America/Caribbean, Asia/Australia/Pacific and 


7.            Stakeholder Group(s) in which volunteer currently participates 
within the ICANN organization

None. ICANN Board.

In addition in order to  understand everyone's true interests (as opposed to 
which group they  participate in), would you be so kind as to state whether you 
are  affiliated in some form or fashion with one or more TLD applications, 
whether  that is as a registry front-end, registry back-end, DNS provider, 
consultant to  a TLD applicant.

No affiliation.

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