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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] What do we mean by "single registrant"?

  • To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] What do we mean by "single registrant"?
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 16:27:06 -0400

On 7 Apr 2010, at 16:01, Roberto Gaetano wrote:

> Avri,
> Can you please start getting the ball rolling with an initial list?
> We will keep it up to date as we go (and as new jargon is used :<(

sure, but i do try to introduce them anew in each message.  And they come from 
laziness and my inability to type well on the keyboard I currently have - been 
the case for a few years now).  

so instead of writing community cultural/linguistic tld many times in a message 
i will write community culturlal/linguistic TLD (CCL) once and then just write 

so my latest set are

CCL - community culturlal/linguistic TLD 

CO - Cross Ownership

0CO Zero cross ownership

0VI   Zero Vertical Integration   (aka VS or Vertical Separation - though using 
a number allows for the possibility that there is a gradient between VI and VS 
and that it isn't just a binary relationship)

%age - percentage

These others i started using after others used them.  i only have to see an 
acronym once to adopt it.  and if i adopt someone else's i don't get as 
obsessive about translating it on first usage in each email - since i figured 
that since someone else used it and if i understand it (being a grandmother - 
known as we are for being non technical and slow), everyone must also 
understand it and it must be common usage now.


Vi - vertical integration

VS - vertical separation

SR - Single Registrant TLD whether C or NC

SRSU - Single Registrant Single User TLD (one user at the second level)

SRMU - Single Registrant Multiple Users TLD (multiple users at the second level)

C - commercial

NC - Non Commercial

Don't recognize RO in the context of VI (from Ken's list), perhaps someone else 
can pick this one up

note:  i also use a.  to signify avri in a signature.



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