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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] VI proposal

  • To: Phil Buckingham <pjbuckingham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx'" <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] VI proposal
  • From: Volker Greimann - Key-Systems GmbH <vgreimann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 16:55:59 +0200


the ownership percentage in itself is not the stumbling block for me, although I believe in the possibility of a 100% CO permission. It is rather the willingness to work on a system that keeps registries and registrars in line _regardless of the percentage of CO_, combined with the certainty that the blanket 15% limit in itself will not resolve anything and will enable abuse. Once such a system is established, then we can discuss ownership levels, but I believe at that point, any percentage is possible.
In my dealings with Afilias since Seoul this "change of tack ", now public , does not surprise me . As M Palage, tried to point out, I guess I have no vested interest in the outcome of new gTLDs, as I am no longer associated with a registrar , registry etc . Little does he know ! Could I suggest that somehow we all pull together with a rival proposal , lets call it JV (power of 4) as in Joint Venture ie Jeff Jeff Jon James ( my middle name) Volker. The key difference seems to be the cross ownership percentage level. I agree with many of the points you have all raised in the last few days. Yes , this ownership issue is a distraction . Yes there need to be very strict controls in place , whether they be compliance , internal , external audit , regulation on pricing and competition rules , to eliminate all know "harms" pre application launch . Clearly ICANN does not have this in place to cope with 500 new applications ( -the number which they are using for budgets, appointing evaluators ( which includes me). I personally feel , long term , ICANN need to set up a separate , independent regulatory body on all TLDs. As M Palage has just pointed out - it is on a cost recovery basis , so ICANN MUST get 500 applications ! So any VI proposal , which prevents applicants , registrars , etc , stops innovation and choice is not an option in the long term, I feel. As for the short short term. As somebody pointed out early on , we have opened a can of worms and the VI issues are complex and contentious and by its very nature we are not going to get "consensus" in this group , - to convince the Board that we have a proposal , to effectively replace DAG 4 . So personally I am going to stick / vote with what we have now, so that allows the ICANN communication strategy to start , with clear guidelines to any new potential gTLD applicants. I cant see how ICANN can put a message out " VI issues are still under discussion , but they will be resolved by our meeting in Colombia " unless of course they delay the communication strategy and subsequent launch . , till say , after Colombia meet . I dont think this an option for ICANN , anymore. Volker, I fully appreciate that the current DAG4 does absolutely nothing to help registrars , like Key Systems , to invest in / run new gTLDs . So the 500 target will just not happen ! However if you feel we could get enough support and agreement ( ie more than RACK+1 13) to push through at Brussels then count me in 100% in the next week. regards Phil Buckingham ps Dont understand why Eric / CORE is in the "other camp" or indeed Jothan - is he still involved with M&M ? pps I have outreached to key ICANN staff , including Kevin Wilson , CFO , David Giza ( compliance) and Mike Salazar , Director of new gTLD implementation. Would you be interested in joining me in these private meetings ?
    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Neuman, Jeff <mailto:Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxx>
    *To:* 'alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx'
    <mailto:%27alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx%27> ;
    'eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:%27eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%27> ;
    'Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx' <mailto:%27Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx%27>
    *Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:35 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] VI proposal


    I think what Jeff E points out is incredibly important. The RySG
    as a whole recognized by Supermajority support that our goal was
    not to be prevent competition at all, but impose reasonable limits
    and welcoming all to compete with us on a level competitive
    playing field. Afilias, PIR, Neustar and others voted to support
    that notion. Preventing all forms of competition by certain
    entities was not our goal, and in fact, we wee so enraged by the
    implication ICANN staff made about us not allowing competition, we
    actually wrote a letter to Congress to be included in the official
    testimony and required icann to apologize to us publicle for
    making that implication. Yet that is the same implication that now
    appears in the RACK+ proposal.

    Alan/CLO and anyone else signing the RACK proposal, let's work on
    your fears and make suggestions on what can be done from an
    enforcement perpective. I would be happy to work on that.
    Otherwise, for me, I would rather have the staff proposal of 2
    percent than the RACK one of 15 percent. The 2 percent is to
    protect against a de minimus unintended consequence, wheras the 15
    percent is meant to protect an existing player against a fully
    intended consequence. That existing player can put whatever new
    spin they want on this, but the fact of the matter is that the
    existing player voted in favor of allowing registries and
    registrars to compete (without distribution in the TLD).

    Can minds be changed? Sure, but the question then is why? What new
    evidence came to light about potential harms to registrants caused
    Afilias and PIR to change their tune? I really want to know
    because perhaps I am in the wrong here. I am not too proud to
    admit that I was wrong, but I need to know why I was wrong.

    Jeffrey J. Neuman, Esq.
    Vice President, Law & Policy
    NeuStar, Inc.

    *From*: owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx <owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
    *To*: Jeff Eckhaus <eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
    'Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx' <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
    *Sent*: Thu Jun 10 01:04:54 2010
    *Subject*: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] VI proposal

    Jeff, you addressed your question at Brian, but I will give my
    thoughts on this.

    As I have said both privately to you, and publicly, I generally
    support the concept of ICANN accredited registrars acting as gTLD
    registries or RSPs under certain conditions which would certainly
    include (but not be limited to) not trading, directly or
    indirectly, in their own TLDs.

    But I do not feel comfortable doing that now, prior to thoroughly
    identifying what *detailed* other conditions are required to
    ensure that there can be a high level of confidence that the
    public interest will be served. This is, in my mind, a situation
    there the devil *is* in the details.

    As mentioned in my previous note on this subject (
    http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-vi-feb10/msg01709.html), I
    suspect that significantly strengthened ICANN-Registrar contracts
    with appropriate penalties and auditability would be a component
    of this. I see no other way to ensure that needed safeguards are
    in place without the need to grow ICANN compliance operations by
    one or more orders of magnitude.

    In ICANN, we talk about Registries and Registrars both being
    "contracted parties". But those contracts are vastly different. As
    a small example, can you imagine a registrar having to follow a
    process equivalent to the RSTEP process, including public
    comments, before the registrar could offer a new service?

    If we could get some level of consensus that the Board/staff
    default is not preferred to the proposal that Brian last
    transmitted, perhaps we could then start looking at what we can do
    to address the exceptions that many want (and I include your
    desire to allow registrars to operate as Registries/RSPs as one of
    these exceptions) prior to the final AG being issued.


    At 10/06/2010 12:08 AM, Jeff Eckhaus wrote:


    After reading the updated Afilias signed proposal I had a
    question for Afilias and for PIR.

    Reading previous correspondence between Afilias, PIR and both
    ICANN, GAC and the US House of Representatives, members of
    Afilias and PIR made adamant statements regarding the issues of
    co-ownership, which do not reconcile with the current proposal.

    In the following letter to Peter Dengate Thrush from Hal Lubsen
    CEO of Afilias ,
    Mr. Lubsen states the following:
    To reiterate our position, Afilias, Neustar and PIR welcome
    registrars as registries for new TLDs, and believe they should be
    permitted to own new TLD registries and/or providers of technical
    back-end registry services, provided they abide by the current
    rules and are restricted from selling second-level domain names
    in their own TLD. Further, we believe ICANN has failed to make an
    informed argument for removing that restriction.

    In this letter from David Maher of PIR to Hon. Hank Johnson of
    the US Congress ,
    Mr Maher states the following:
    Statements were made that the registries sought to prohibit
    registrars from owning and competing as back end registry service
    providers. This is not correct.

    The registries support competition in the market for new gTLDs
    and firmly believe that all qualified back-end registry service
    providers – including providers aaffiliated with ICANN accredited
    registrars - should be permitted to compete to serve new and
    existing gTLDs

    Similar statements were made in a letter from the Registries
    written by David Maher to the GAC

    These statements were made very recently and are very strong
    statements supporting competition and the position that Neustar
    made and continues to support. That there is no evidence of harms
    if a co-owned entity does not distribute the TLD. A position that
    many in this group, myself included have moved towards as a
    compromise and a path forward.

    I know this is not a courtroom and you are not on the stand, and
    I am not even a lawyer, but I would like to know and maybe you
    could explain to the WG, why there is a such a drastic change in
    position from Afilias and PIR from the statements above and your
    long held position.


    Jeff Eckhaus

    *From*: owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
    *To*: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
    *Sent*: Wed Jun 09 18:36:21 2010
    *Subject*: [gnso-vi-feb10] VI proposal
    Reposting the updated proposal which reflects the members of the
    Working Group who have indicated their respective support for the
    positions in the proposal.  Could revise acronym to JRACKBOATDESK.

Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Volker A. Greimann
- Rechtsabteilung -

Key-Systems GmbH
Prager Ring 4-12
66482 Zweibrücken
Tel.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 901
Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 861
Email: vgreimann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Best regards,

Volker A. Greimann
- legal department -

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Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 861
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