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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] SRSU Exception Text - Revised - DIR?

  • To: "Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] SRSU Exception Text - Revised - DIR?
  • From: Richard Tindal <richardtindal@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:00:53 -0700

The BRU1 sub-group defined a Single Registrant Single User (SRSU) TLD as one 
where the registry sets a policy where second level names can only be 
registered to the registry (i.e.  the registry is the registrant for all 
names).   Also, the use of those names in terms of website content,  email 
control,  or any other application associated with the domains is exercised 
only by the registry.  As a practical matter this means the registry entity is 
not providing second level names to other parties (who would have control over 
website content,  email use,  etc).      

Under the BRU1 approach any registry may operate as an SRSU - it is not limited 
to 'brand' TLDs.  BRU1 believe the current registry contract (Section 2.6 
'Reserved Names') may already satisfy the needs of the SRSU model, however  
BRU1 recommends an amendment to Section 2.6 such that the SRSU model is 
explicitly addressed (the amendment would also allow registries to add to their 
schedule of reserved names in a timely manner).   If Section 2.6 cannot be 
amended BRU1 supports an exception that allows an SRSU registry to have: (1) 
100% ownership/ control of a registrar in their TLD;  and (ii)  no obligation 
to provide equal access to other registrars. 


On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Rosette, Kristina wrote:

> Here's revised SRSU exception text that incorporates some (not all) of Eric's 
> changes and most of Jeff N.'s wording (I tweaked it slightly by adding /SRMU 
> and using .brand and .ngo).  I didn't receive any other changes.
> I've left a placeholder for other exception text (Richard - HINT!).  I've 
> also left a placeholder for text that sets out the criticisms of SRSU.  I 
> think it's important to include that - not only for balance, but to help 
> those who may submit public comments.
> I don't know if this is DIR, but I have to offline until after 2400 GMT so am 
> sending it along now.  (I will be back online about 90 minutes after 2400 GMT 
> if that helps.)
> Our document comparison software is offline so I can't generate a redline. 
> Apologies.
> K
> <07212010 SRSU exception text.DOC>

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