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RE: [gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment: Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries
- To: <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment: Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries
- From: "Roberto Gaetano" <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 00:24:44 +0200
I think that we can still progrress, and it does make sense to send the
message that "here's where we are, but we're still working".
It would be a shame if we close the door and go home. This is going to be
possibly a long process, marked by small steps, bu tI am sure that everybody
is willing to invest time to go further forwards.
Maybe after a couple of days of break, as I have to confess I am doing now.
From: owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Saturday, 24 July 2010 16:17
To: Stéphane Van Gelder; Mike O'Connor
Cc: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment:
Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries
A Final Report would be great but it can?t be done if the group hasn?t
reached consensus on recommendations. By its very nature, the Final Report
assumes that the WG is finished, i.e., they have done as much as they can do
and they have either decided to make some recommendations or they have
decided that it is not possible to reach consensus on any recommendations.
That does not seem to be the case here so my understanding is that the WG
will continue its work. In the meantime, the Board needs input for its
retreat, so my suggestion is to send them a Revised Initial Report that
includes any changes to the Initial Report based on public comments and
continuing work of the WG during the comment period.
From: owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:20 AM
To: Mike O'Connor
Cc: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment:
Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries
I'm surprised that Chuck wouldn't push for the group to provide it's final
report asap, and certainly in time for it to be used by the Board at it's
September retreat. But as you point out, the timing may just be too tough to
achieve that. Let's hope the Board still takes into account the work the WG
has done, if it decides to come to a final decision on VI during it's
Envoyé de mon iPhone4
Le 24 juil. 2010 à 14:29, Mike O'Connor <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
hi Stéphane
thanks a lot for the kind words. here in the Midwestern part of the US
we're pretty undemonstrative, so you'll just have to imagine me hanging my
head, shuffling my feet and muttering "aw shucks." :-)
just one quick clarification on the August deadline. Chuck has asked us to
deliver an "updated Interim report" for the August 26th Council meeting, not
a Final report. i noticed this when we were trading date/deadline email and
phoned him up to confirm that. after which i heaved a huge sigh of relief.
we've buried some pretty tough issues in those 3 Principles Annexes and i
was really scratching my head over how we were ever going to get those
resolved in 3 weeks, during Holiday season.
turns out, we don't have to. basically, the only thing we **have** to do
between now and then is update the Interim report we've submitted with a
summary of the public comments. everything else we decide to drive into
that report is a bonus. if we can resolve some of those issues, great. if
we can't, we'll leave them as is and work on them at a more relaxed pace,
maybe after we've gotten a hint from the results of the September Board
that said, i'd like us to spend the call on Monday trying to figure out a
reasonable list of things that we think we *can* sharpen up for the draft we
submit to the Council. it seems to me the biggest opportunities are:
- identify the major points of disagreement in the 3 Principles annexes, and
then focus on a few that we think we can might be able to resolve in the 3
weeks we've got
- continue to mash and merge and combine and blend Proposals to see if we
can arrive at a smaller number, and perhaps one that has enough support that
we could move from "no consensus" to "rough consensus with a strong
that said, if everybody throws rocks at me and shouts "lighten up, Mikey"
i'll heed your wishes. Mikey the Super-Pressure Ogre has left the stage.
thanks again Stéphane,
On Jul 24, 2010, at 5:36 AM, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:
You deserve an amazingly large round of applause in my view. You've steered
the group through tense moments and an incredibly tough schedule with a
constant sense of humour and of purpose. In my part of the world, people
would probably say you're just a genuine good bloke. I agree.
Well done to Roberto and all the Staff support people as well.
And well done to the group as a whole. I wonder if ICANN realizes how lucky
it is to be able to call on nearly 70 volunteers to give so much of their
time, expertise, intelligence and effort into trying to find solutions on
topics like this one. I certainly hope the Board does. And I know that the
GNSO Council certainly does.
Now we can look forward to the group completing its final report in August!
(In my book, you can't just send a message full of praise like this one
without adding at least one little pressure point in there ;) ).
Le 24 juil. 2010 à 03:06, Mike O'Connor a écrit :
Begin forwarded message:
From: "ICANN News Alert" <communications@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: July 23, 2010 7:55:56 PM CDT
To: mike@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment: Initial Report on Vertical
Integration Between Registrars and Registries
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News Alert
Public Comment: Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars
and Registries
23 July 2010
The GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group is seeking comments on its
Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries.
This Initial
23jul10-en.pdf> Report [PDF, 731 KB] is posted for public
initial-report> comment as a required step in the GNSO?s Policy Development
Process on Vertical Integration between Registrars and Registries. The
Initial Report describes various proposed solutions for restrictions on
vertical integration between registrars and registries for adoption in the
New gTLD Program.
Please note: The Working Group is working under an extremely aggressive
schedule in order to meet the requirements that have been placed on it by
the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board. The Working Group is planning to
continue its analysis throughout the public comment period. Reviewers are
encouraged to submit comments early to provide the group as much time as
possible to consider them.
The public comment period ends on 12 August 2010.
The GNSO Council has commenced a policy development process (PDP) on the
topic of vertical integration between registrars and registries. The GNSO
Council formed a working group to evaluate whether any policy
recommendations should be developed on the topic of vertical integration
between registrars and registries affecting both new gTLDs and existing
ICANN is currently in the process of finalizing the implementation details
for the launch of new gTLDs. ICANN has posted four draft applicant
guidebooks and a series of topic papers for public comment describing the
manner in which ICANN proposes to implement this program. These documents
include proposals on the topic of vertical integration and whether
cross-ownership restrictions or other rules related to vertical integration
should be adopted to apply to the New gTLD Program.
The Initial Report describes several proposals regarding vertical
integration that have been developed and analyzed by the VI Working Group.
No proposal has achieved consensus support within the VI Working Group.
These proposals are included for the purpose of seeking public comment and
will be subject to further analysis and debate as the VI Working Group
continues to strive to develop a consensus position to recommend to the GNSO
Council on an expedited basis.
The Initial Report published for public comment is a ?snapshot? of a living
document that will be revised several times during the public comment
period. Reviewers are encouraged to check on the working-group wiki for the
latest version of this Initial Report.
This public comment forum is an opportunity to comment on any of the
proposed vertical integration models that are described the Initial Report.
The Initial Report will be posted for a public comment period that closes on
12 August 2010. Comments can be sent to vi-pdp-initial-report@xxxxxxxxx and
reviewed athttp://forum.icann.org/lists/vi-pdp-initial-report/.
Additional Information:
To review the Issues Report on Vertical Integration Between Registries and
Registrars, please refer to
[PDF, 254 KB].
The ICANN Board resolution on Vertical Integration is posted at
To review the charter describing the policy work undertaken by the Vertical
Integration Working Group, please refer to:
mar10-en.pdf [PDF, 41 KB].
For information on the details of the implementation planning activities for
new gTLDs, please refer to the documents posted
To review updates to the Initial Report that may be developed by the VI
Working Group during the public comment period, please refer to the archive
of Initial Report snapshots posted at
Staff responsible: Margie Milam
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