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Re: [gnso-whoissurvey-dt] Updated draft Charter for your review and NEXT STEPS

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-whoissurvey-dt] Updated draft Charter for your review and NEXT STEPS
  • From: Michael Young <myoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:59:29 -0400

Hi Avri

I am planning to put out an assignment/team list based on the Doodle this 
Monday( mentioned at the bottom of the previous email).

The Chair meetings I should clarify are always open (optional attendance) but 
not required as the feedback we had from WG members was a willingness to 
support meetings every 2 weeks, but not weekly. Of course Chairs understand 
their contribution is higher, hence their commitment is weekly.  It was 
suggested that periodically we have an all member attendance to these project 
meetings with the Chairs, just to ensure all members are aware of progress 
across all sub-groups.

The proposed meeting schedule was based on members ideas and feedback, however 
if we find the schedule needs adjustment to optimize we certainly will do so as 
we try this out and see the results. Good project management includes adjusting 
work approaches as you progress and see how well things are working - for sure 
we will apply this. 

Michael Young


On 2011-08-27, at 10:12 AM, Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> Has the assignment of team members to teams been done?  I don't remember 
> seeing what team got stuck with me.
> The schedule seems rather complicated, especially counting off for the 3rd 
> every other week meeting. I  am assuming that the meeting announcement will 
> be explicit about who it is open to.  
> Also a question of the closed chair's meetings: will these be recorded and 
> made available in an open archive?
> thanks
> a.
> On 25 Aug 2011, at 12:17, Michael Young wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> We have had feedback from the GNSO that we should continue at pace while the 
>> process of the GNSO Charter approval takes place.  Given that we’d like to 
>> get our meeting schedules underway.
>> On Sept  15th, we liked to conduct a Chair meeting to review the scope of 
>> work and preliminary project plan for each sub-group.
>> On Sept 27th, we liked to conduct an open (all members) project meeting to 
>> review the overall project plan and meeting schedules going forward.
>> Remember in general, we will be alternating weekly meeting between your 
>> sub-group meeting and a Chair only project meeting.
>> Every 3rd Chair project meeting (every 6 weeks) will be open to all members 
>> but follow the same project meeting format.
>> Once the sub-group work is complete, we will move to all member meetings 
>> every two weeks.  The Chairs will meet more frequently if this assists 
>> progress.
>> Chairs, prior to our first meeting please arrange an initial meeting with 
>> your teams to draft your workscope and estimate timelines for project 
>> planning.
>> I am trying to balance out the volunteers now across the three sub-groups 
>> based on the Doodle feedback and will post an initial list for each group by 
>> Monday.
>> Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!  If any of the Chairs cannot 
>> get their first sub-group meeting prior to mid Sept. Please contact me 
>> directly, thanks much.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michael Young
>> M:+1-647-289-1220
> ------
> Pick your poison: Kool-Aid or Hemlock!

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