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Re: [npoc-voice] Pictures NPOC Event 13.03.12
- To: Lori Schulman <lori.schulman@xxxxxxxx>, "Branzelle, Judy" <Judy.Branzelle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Amber Sterling <asterling@xxxxxxxx>, "Carson, Michael" <Michael.Carson@xxxxxxxx>, npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx, Debbie Hughes <HughesDeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] Pictures NPOC Event 13.03.12
- From: Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:59:32 -0400
Hi Lori and NPOC Colleagues,
Thks for asking, Lori. It went well - wish you were all here. The
highlights: Rod Beckstrom and Xavier Calvez, respectively the President and
the CFO of ICANN showed up and praised NPOC for its efforts. Our Costa Rica
members and friends came in force (Omar Dengo Foundation, CRUSA Foundation,
Microsoft,...). I presented to the Board earlier on the joint statement
between NCUC and NPOC .Transcripts will be shared as soon as up. We also
invited the NCUC leadership to the cocktail - . The rest you know.
Klaus and I went to the Finance meeting this morning and it looks likely
that NPOC will get its share of FY 2102-2013 funding, like other
I feel all is going well if not better than expected. It would be nice if
our member Red Cross gets its exemption - the NPOC proposal related to that
is an excellent strategy, IMHO, that will pay dividends.
Best and more news as it goes
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Lori Schulman <lori.schulman@xxxxxxxx>wrote:
> How did the reception go last night?
> *Lori S. Schulman* · General Counsel
> P 703-575-5678 · Lori.Schulman@xxxxxxxx
> *[image: Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CBF9FC.C4D5C590]*
> *From:* owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx] *On
> Behalf Of *Alain Berranger
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 14, 2012 2:28 AM
> *To:* klaus.stoll
> *Cc:* npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [npoc-voice] Pictures NPOC Event 13.03.12
> Dear Colleagues,
> We also have a flip video of the entire session.
> Alain
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:34 PM, klaus.stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> Please find attached the first pictures from the meeting.
> Abrazos
> Klaus
> --
> Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
> Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
> http://www.ceci.ca<http://www.ceci.ca/en/about-ceci/team/board-of-directors/>
> Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca
> Trustee, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org
> NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
> interim Membership Committee Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
> O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
> Skype: alain.berranger
> Can’t travel to Philadelphia for ASCD’s Annual Conference & Exhibit Show,
> March 24-26? *Attend One of the Year's Top Virtual Education Events...*
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Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca
Trustee, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
interim Membership Committee Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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