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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of Commerce

  • To: Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of Commerce
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 18:34:32 -0500

On 1/20/11 5:59 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:

I disagree.

As do I.

Here we are, trying to advocate the improvement of domain access in
the developing world, and a group claiming authority to a TLD covering
the whole continent of Africa is stating that everything is OK with
the process.

Having written applications several times, and for several services providers, I know there is a real difference of interests and perspective between individual one-time applicants and serial applicants.

The one-time applicant is satisfied with any situation that is not unfavorable to her or his unique application, at their point in ICANN time.

The serial applicant has to balance more interests than just one set of rules at one point in time, and more projected costs and revenues than just one proposition.

We're responsible for more than one application, at more than one moment in time.

Given the support we have received from groups such as AfrICANN who
are certainly *not* happy with the status quo, I believe it is
important to be able to react when groups such as DCA claim -- in the
name of a broader community -- that what we're doing is unnecessary.
By its own actions, DCA is (whether deliberately or not) undermining
our work and a response may be IMO appropriate and justifiable.


I have no interest in judging the merits of CDA's possible

Given the history of representations that she has the OAU's exclusive endorsement, this is something the objections process will catch.

But I most certainly have issues with its tactics, and
call into question its mandate.

I've no idea how Avri thinks that anything Evan wrote amounts to delay.


- Evan

On 20 January 2011 17:34, Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx
<mailto:avri@xxxxxxx>> wrote:


    The point is, anyone can over ICANN head to NTIA.
    Lots of people do it all the time, they just don't do it as
    publicly as this.

    As for it being Sophia's organization, I think we should stay away
    from judging the worth of one applicant versus another.  And I
    recommend this group sail between this particular reincarnation of
    Scylla and Charybdis without getting involved.


    On 20 Jan 2011, at 16:58, Andrew Mack wrote:

     > I think Eric is right.  DotconnectAfrica is Sophia and there is
    at least one other group -- a much larger group -- that is working
    for the right to do .africa.  I believe based on conversations
    I've had with members of that group in Cartagena that they are
    more in sync with our perspective.
     > Andrew
     > On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams
    <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
     > Evan,
     > It is just Sophia Bekele.
     > Eric
     > On 1/20/11 3:24 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
     > So DotConnectAfrica sees no problems with the current  process and
     > wants full steam ahead.
     > That's unfortunate. It's also interesting that they choose to
    go over
     > ICANN's head, so to speak, appealing directly to the DoC.
     > Is there anyone here who could encourage them to support our
     > - Evan
     > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
     > From: *DotConnectAfrica* <press.africa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     > <mailto:press.africa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     > Date: 20 January 2011 07:35
     > Subject: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of
     > To: evan@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:evan@xxxxxxxxx>
    <mailto:evan@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:evan@xxxxxxxxx>>
     > Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
     > <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=1&r=1
     > <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=3&r=1
     > <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=4&r=1
     > <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=5&r=1
     > DotAfrica logo with no labelsDotConnectAfrica
     > For Immediate Press Release
     > 20 January 2011
     > *Press Contact:*
     > Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor
     > tkamanzi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     > DotConnectAfrica
     > www.dotconnectafrica.org <http://www.dotconnectafrica.org>
     >  Open Letter to US Department of Commerce
     >    National Telecommunication Information Administration (NTIA)
     > *20 January 2010:*   DotConnectAfrica has sent an open letter
    to the
     > NTIA making a preliminary case for the .africa gTLD
     > *"DCA wants to appraise NTIA of our view that the current process
     > developed by ICANN for new gTLDs is fair and transparent and
    that due
     > consideration has been given for the protection of trademark
     > interests.  We believe further delay of the new gTLD process will
     > directly /or indirectly have a damaging effect on the benefits from
     > Internet-based business and economic activities in the
    continent and
     > the communities involved"  DCA said i**n its letter to NTIA. *
     > The letter to Washington included the recent public statement
    made by
     > DCA to the ICANN public forum in Cartegena Colombia. *ICANN
     > Statement*: http://prlog.org/11150099
     > DCA has also spent much of its activities in the  month of
     > 2010 lobbying in Washington for the same. *DCA Goes to
     > http://prlog.org/10971626
     > *Dept Of Commerce, Original letter*
     > A Preliminary Case for .Africa gTLD - Open Letter to NTIA, US
     > Department of Commerce by DoConnectAfrica
     > *Full Press release*: http://prlog.org/11222383
     > *.BizCommunity *covers DCA's*"yes2dotafrica"* campaign*: "*Dot
     > campaign to brand continent"
     > https://www.bizcommunity.co.za/Article/414/16/52038.html
     > *
     > .  Radio Netherlands Worldwide: *A Dotafrica Generation soon to be
     > born:
     > *. *Sophia Bekele noted by*The Economist, *Sept 15, 2010, as
     > the dotafrica initiative": Can "Africa" get a make-over?
     > http://www.economist.com/blogs/baobab/2010/09/rebranding_africa
     > . DCA is endorsed by *African Union* *(AU)* & the *Economic
     > for Africa**(ECA)*
     > *About DotConnectAfrica:
     > *DCA is a not-for-profit, non-partisan org incorporated in
     > Africa & will sponsor, establish & operate a TLD registry with
     > recognition & regional significance dedicated to the needs of
     > Pan-African &African community. DCA Reg.ID.CT8710DCA90
     > --
     > - Evan
     > --
     > Andrew A. Mack
     > Principal
     > AMGlobal Consulting
     > +1-202-642-6429 amack@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:amack@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     > 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW  First Floor
     > Washington, DC 20036
     > www.amglobal.com <http://www.amglobal.com>

Evan Leibovitch, Toronto Canada
Em: evanl at telly dot org
Sk: evanleibovitch
Tw: el56

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