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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of Commerce

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>, "soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of Commerce
  • From: Richard Tindal <richardtindal@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:58:56 -0800

I know a little bit of Sophia's plans and I'm quite sure she's not advocating a 
suspension of any of the work this group is doing.

Rather, I think she believes there will be a long period of time between when 
the program officially 'starts' and when TLDs begin operating - long enough 
that almost
all of the proposals of this group could be incorporated.       As an example,  
the issue of the ongoing registry fee (currently $25K per year minimum plus 
$0.25 for every name over
50,000) is not closed when the Applicant Guidebook is finalized.     If a lower 
fee is not included in the Final Applicant Guidebook there are many other 
opportunities to adjust the fee 
(I'll certainly be trying).  I think her concern is that trying to nail down 
every single issue now will mean the TLD program never starts.

I also think its OK to lobby Government reps.  I know for a fact that most 
groups who participate in ICANN do so.   (disclosure  - I do).    Sophia's 
lobbying was transparent --  so that may 
be viewed as a better thing.


On Jan 20, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Avri Doria wrote:

> Hi,
> Ok, we disagree.
> But I ask, that may be relevant to ALAC, but is that any of this group's 
> business?  I  don't think this group is the place to argue whether we should 
> delay the start of new gTLDs or not.  We just need to figure how to do the 
> items contained in the [intersection, union] of our two charters. 
> Also as you know, while many of us do not think everything is right with the 
> world of applications, we have also not signed on to delaying the start until 
> everything is perfect.  Personally, I am more inclined to say they should fix 
> everything now and get on with it.
> a.
> On 20 Jan 2011, at 17:59, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>> I disagree.
>> Here we are, trying to advocate the improvement of domain access in the 
>> developing world, and a group claiming authority to a TLD covering the whole 
>> continent of Africa is stating that everything is OK with the process. 
>> Given the support we have received from groups such as AfrICANN who are 
>> certainly *not* happy with the status quo, I believe it is important to be 
>> able to react when groups such as DCA claim -- in the name of a broader 
>> community -- that what we're doing is unnecessary. By its own actions, DCA 
>> is (whether deliberately or not) undermining our work and a response may be 
>> IMO appropriate and justifiable.
>> I have no interest in judging the merits of CDA's possible application. But 
>> I most certainly have issues with its tactics, and call into question its 
>> mandate.
>> - Evan
>> On 20 January 2011 17:34, Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The point is, anyone can over ICANN head to NTIA.
>> Lots of people do it all the time, they just don't do it as publicly as this.
>> As for it being Sophia's organization, I think we should stay away from 
>> judging the worth of one applicant versus another.  And I recommend this 
>> group sail between this particular reincarnation of Scylla and Charybdis 
>> without getting involved.
>> a.
>> On 20 Jan 2011, at 16:58, Andrew Mack wrote:
>>> I think Eric is right.  DotconnectAfrica is Sophia and there is at least 
>>> one other group -- a much larger group -- that is working for the right to 
>>> do .africa.  I believe based on conversations I've had with members of that 
>>> group in Cartagena that they are more in sync with our perspective.
>>> Andrew
>>> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams 
>>> <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Evan,
>>> It is just Sophia Bekele.
>>> Eric
>>> On 1/20/11 3:24 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>>> So DotConnectAfrica sees no problems with the current  process and
>>> wants full steam ahead.
>>> That's unfortunate. It's also interesting that they choose to go over
>>> ICANN's head, so to speak, appealing directly to the DoC.
>>> Is there anyone here who could encourage them to support our efforts?
>>> - Evan
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: *DotConnectAfrica* <press.africa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> <mailto:press.africa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>> Date: 20 January 2011 07:35
>>> Subject: Communique: Open Letter from DCA to US Department of Commerce
>>> To: evan@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:evan@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
>>> <http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=wkvqrzcab&v=001O3CKqe2sPwwm90v6Kco-yvqX1W89FQkaY6qK01Xw8GnPQvRTSAldlbx8gzVNZ86ouZDoosC-Loy5tbnL2_sQSXWBDo971M0sHEKq5q14v1k%3D>
>>>       <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=1&r=1>
>>> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=3&r=1>
>>> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=4&r=1>
>>> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=iu3KMDmFIAY&c=5&r=1>
>>> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Communique--Open-Letter-from-DCA-to-US-Department-of-Commerce.html?soid=1102516344150&aid=iu3KMDmFIAY#fblike>
>>> DotAfrica logo with no labelsDotConnectAfrica
>>> For Immediate Press Release
>>> 20 January 2011
>>> *Press Contact:*
>>> Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor
>>> tkamanzi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tkamanzi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> DotConnectAfrica
>>> www.dotconnectafrica.org
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1104224678384&s=1374&e=001ZC4vCfFE86ZASIg4ZNusfwe8EDheCA8s0q47ZXkl2yJ8Gju6GytT5P5WpCY4RTsI8xADNlLl_PtM6tsn-OpBdGJ_ys0ojYmPMgkCEHq2C4aiSzYPiEc8ig==>
>>> Open Letter to US Department of Commerce
>>>   National Telecommunication Information Administration (NTIA)
>>> *20 January 2010:*   DotConnectAfrica has sent an open letter to the
>>> NTIA making a preliminary case for the .africa gTLD
>>> *"DCA wants to appraise NTIA of our view that the current process
>>> developed by ICANN for new gTLDs is fair and transparent and that due
>>> consideration has been given for the protection of trademark
>>> interests.  We believe further delay of the new gTLD process will
>>> directly /or indirectly have a damaging effect on the benefits from
>>> Internet-based business and economic activities in the continent and
>>> the communities involved"  DCA said i**n its letter to NTIA. *
>>> The letter to Washington included the recent public statement made by
>>> DCA to the ICANN public forum in Cartegena Colombia. *ICANN
>>> Statement*: http://prlog.org/11150099
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1104224678384&s=1374&e=001ZC4vCfFE86ZeXl5o_7pYelDHXJ5G2ZpWWQ3EsamQ5qn4kKUppzUNPbecDY4_AbuU_FbgV5HezDW_YSnKigS4Wj74Wfmv0JF-C_9Q7iJBv3OU7TxXUWnjgA==>
>>> DCA has also spent much of its activities in the  month of September
>>> 2010 lobbying in Washington for the same. *DCA Goes to Washington**:*
>>> http://prlog.org/10971626
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1104224678384&s=1374&e=001ZC4vCfFE86Y1RNoReTRirZehSBqYP5gfhnlasv58eH5HthxhBE0vRgkaej2DVse8oeUeQgirSUX1Oo3rY_UltQurSWN-2YxxQ-6VEzKdDoZBHWDdAhEZrg==>
>>> *Dept Of Commerce, Original letter*
>>> A Preliminary Case for .Africa gTLD - Open Letter to NTIA, US
>>> Department of Commerce by DoConnectAfrica
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1104224678384&s=1374&e=001ZC4vCfFE86bjhJedkXWuTjm9U-LLKajFU58nqswZI18bOw0qsxx3fjdKTlxVpZOKN0ulAWtJQhoIAar6QCUoh8t2OWJTGueoRWAdmCrwO0kNC3INfwL7mYKmMvCFpvsK33o4BFmETwes_s9cfkMlH5ahlfeGW_kAE65sZlXK0R_648xJ9fImpEOgcIt5eBGlDxRe0mVFPVyEw0S-Yh9nEBmiBSc5Qb2h7Insmp4UlZhFspUVogB0DC3Zl_bSXJHj4irzqclR33g=>
>>> *Full Press release*: http://prlog.org/11222383
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1104224678384&s=1374&e=001ZC4vCfFE86aIWdzpSPzhG_vJl982pXIUXdPapy9MlmpNBiH7ca_L1n9U2xn6RkE5g4GWJQ8lOBTmmbGHclSd01rYg7KcAM0ONj4uS4rJBXPufsOQGVO3rQ==>
>>> *.BizCommunity *covers DCA's*"yes2dotafrica"* campaign*: "*Dot Africa
>>> campaign to brand continent"
>>> https://www.bizcommunity.co.za/Article/414/16/52038.html
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103982040442&s=0&e=001K5Voxyz2gdQtE38K8YnRJx5bh8FbmLqw1pASDC26uiHWJnichnQwTxeZSBw_DBbTGoUShUWhzVshGOEQG8CWHiJkuBKZmAmW7XnPN_eG_dfE44TQPveOujAQKRYRWixoitC4lZ_qW7qnJDxMInb9RiWtMWjRDFRZSdKWeeVoUHc=>
>>> *
>>> .  Radio Netherlands Worldwide: *A Dotafrica Generation soon to be
>>> born:
>>> http://www.rnw.nl/africa/article/a-dotafrica-generation-soon-be-born
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&t=qp7womeab.0.ipbwtieab.wkvqrzcab.1374&ts=S0586&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rnw.nl%2Fafrica%2Farticle%2Fa-dotafrica-generation-soon-be-born>
>>> *. *Sophia Bekele noted by*The Economist, *Sept 15, 2010, as "leading
>>> the dotafrica initiative": Can "Africa" get a make-over?
>>> http://www.economist.com/blogs/baobab/2010/09/rebranding_africa
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103982040442&s=0&e=001K5Voxyz2gdQtE38K8YnRJx5bh8FbmLqw1pASDC26uiHWJnichnQwTxeZSBw_DBbTkF_H0auy1HuuP9Gx-YrUDLs6o0XTAVHfiaZZv-lYKGkEB4sL6ThQVWM1hIrvbijUUghvSL-YWo5_VDWoQh22FT_4qefhR3lEgiDBEHIS2wkfZU4Bqmkuqg==>
>>> . DCA is endorsed by *African Union* *(AU)* & the *Economic Commission
>>> for Africa**(ECA)*
>>> *About DotConnectAfrica:
>>> *DCA is a not-for-profit, non-partisan org incorporated in Mauritius
>>> Africa & will sponsor, establish & operate a TLD registry with global
>>> recognition & regional significance dedicated to the needs of
>>> Pan-African &African community. DCA Reg.ID.CT8710DCA90
>>> --
>>> - Evan
>>> --
>>> Andrew A. Mack
>>> Principal
>>> AMGlobal Consulting
>>> +1-202-642-6429  amack@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, NW  First Floor
>>> Washington, DC 20036
>>> www.amglobal.com
>> -- 
>> Evan Leibovitch, Toronto Canada
>> Em: evanl at telly dot org
>> Sk: evanleibovitch
>> Tw: el56

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