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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Agenda for Tuesday's JAS Call

  • To: SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Agenda for Tuesday's JAS Call
  • From: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 11:36:18 -0500

Dear All:
You would have seen the previous post in this thread by now.  And while I
understand very well the politics surrounding this endeavour, do please
indulge me a bit to be - maybe - just impolitic enough to recognize and
comment on the 'playing to the gallery' we witnessed this morning.

So here goes.

So that we reduce the tendency for folks to kibitz (yes, a Yiddish word that
means exactly what I want to say!) on the call, we are surmising the
following issues are top of mind and relevant for Friday's JAS Call:

   - Preparatory for special purpose telecon  with members of GAC/Board
   participation on June 7
   - Preparatory for Singapore Meeting

If you disagree, then say so on the record and for this list.  That which
emerges will be the Agenda for Friday.

In our view, our immediate objective remains: we are seeking to
clarify/sharpen/hone our report.  Members were asked to 'red line' it.  That
has not happened. So now, we are making extraordinary effort.

It would be helpful for the quality of the report if we could gauge the
likely impact - or how it resonates so far - with two very important
constituencies. Hence the special purpose call.

In our view, it would be useful to shape the questions for those GAC and
Board members who appear on the telecon to help us along.  There are
published reports alleging GAC positions related to fee reduction for
certain gTLD applicants.  We recommend that you avail yourselves of them and
compute in context.

Plainly put: agree on a set of clarifying/ enlightening questions ( and
interrogators!) and reduce the hubba hubba when we get them on the call.

Regarding Singapore, the time and likely audience compels us to settle
issues of format and priority matters: cherry pick for

In this context, EBW made a comment today that I think might be helpful to
shape/contextualize that discussion.  I urge you to discuss it now on this
list so we reduce the crosstalk on the call.

I shall not be available for Friday's call.

Kind regards,
Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
*Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:

> Dear All:
> The Draft Agenda for Tuesday's call for your advice and consent is as
> follows:
> Date/time & framework for special purpose call for GAC-Board input - *10
> mins*
> Questions re staff support & information mining - *20 mins*
> Redlining the report - *20 mins*
> Way forward in addressing outstanding charter items - *10 mins*
> Kind regards,
> Carlton
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
> =============================

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