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Whois System

  • To: whois-comments-2007@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Whois System
  • From: A.Masetti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 13:02:58 +0200

Dear Sirs,
I am a lawyer specialized in the IP field. I am protecting the interest of 
many Brand owners which, almost on a daily basis, have their IP rights 
violated by thirds on the Internet. In my opinion, the Whois system is 
paramount to allow us to enforce brand owners' rights against 
cybersquatting and/or other phenomenom of parassitic practices. To this 
extent, in my opinion the GNSO Council should adopt Motion 2 and reject 
Motions 1 and 3.
Thanks for your attention.
Barzanò & Zanardo
Alessandro Masetti

Via Piemonte, 26 - 00187 - Rome, Italy
phone +3906421771
fax +39064870273
E-mail: a.masetti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
http: www.barzano-zanardo.com

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