Just because you own a "dot com" does not give you or ANYBODY the right to first
pick of the new TLDS. The whole point of introducing new Top Level Domains is to
elimintate the congestion and to make new name-space available to people. If we
offer a "sunrise period" where existing domain owners get first pick on the new TLDs
then what is the point? The new TLD will quickly fill up and become just as crowded
as the .com TLD is today.
No special favors, no "after me" senarios - FIRST COME,
Whoever registers the domain name first - gets to keep it. Granted,
if you have a trademark (like McDonalds) and I try to use your name in a misleading
way - you have legal recourse. But, just because you own a domain with a generic
English word (like "drugs", or "buy", or "video") does NOT mean you get first pick
on the new TLDS ! These are wide open and anyone who gets there first gets to register
the name!