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Username: Garry Anderson
Date/Time: Fri, June 23, 2000 at 10:48 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Phrase involving word BREWERY comes to mind.


I suggested something similar to your for seven months - You need the classification, the same name may be used in different class.
Which is why it has to be something like:

The .reg is needed as the TM tag.

*It is not my idea* Like you say not rocket science, which is why the authorities MUST know this already.

You ask - After all what else are the registrars being paid for?

I would say - So, like most big business, they can screw you for all that they can get.

I had a similar idea to a managed heirarchy. This would involve people choosing two domain names. One short in global or country TLD - the other with same name in heirachical. Both linked to the same address. For idiots that say this will double the DNS size - it will not. It just puts an extra field in it. This could, of course, be used in conjunction with .REG for trademarks.

I don't just throw these ideas together. They are all derived by logical process.

Agree with you - Anyone found to be registering in inappropriate categories should have those entries removed.

The Internet authourities could not manage a piss up in a brewery.

See my protest site at - nothing to do with



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