You know, the WIPO arbiters (and others making decisions regarding domains) make
absolutely no freaking sense.I am SURE that another company is called "Corinthians,"
but does that give THEM the right to too? And a third company, and
a forth company?
What the heck is the matter with these arbiters? Are they fullfilling
the demands or unfair needs of some special interest group?
Will all the world
be held hostage by domain arbiters who might be retired trademark lawyers and judges,
but who know NOTHING about the Internet, or common sense.
Even within the realm
of the trademark specialty, their rulings make NO SENSE. GENERICS should be treated
as generics, for crying out loud. WIPO, get a damned grip already.
WIPO, consider
all the languages of the world. Consider all the words that exist in all of the languages,
collectively. Consider the multiple TLDs that will exist some day.
. . . Your
rulings would create chaos. Your rulings would kill the little guy. Your rulings
would destroy businesses that people are starting up. No doubt SOME of these people
leave behind other jobs to be self-sufficient in the Internet medium, building recognition
on a particular GENERIC address.
And you come along, thinking yourself gods, and
level the axe on their heads, arbitrarily it seems.
And for what? For a company
that happens to have the domain word in their name--or even AS their name IN FULL.
rest assured there is a Corinthians Deli, a Corinthians Bookstore, a Corinthians
Auto Dealer (etc, etc) in this world.
Why should this Corinthians team get
over these other businesses? Why should they get this GENERIC domain over the domain
owner you snatched it from?
Again, WIPO, you are out of line, and I detest what
you are doing to people's lives.
I hope the insanity that guides your rulings is
one day countered by karma and equity--and you are some day thrown from that pretentious,
lofty, ivory tower--and into a prickly, thorny bush.
You deserve no better for
your draconian rulings.