QuestionsIs there any way that the little guys will get a fair shake on the registration
of the new domains? What is a fair way to release these tlds? If a com site is up
and running, should the com site organization have first choice to register the new
tlds with its name?
If a company has and a different company
a new tld such as, that would appear to
confusion and diffusion of a developed site. Dot net and org represent
a different scenario from .shop, .biz, etc. as .shop and .biz are part of the .com
If the only way to register domains is the same as the current
system, 95%+ of the online population will have little chance in registering the
new tlds.
Is it possible to allow the public to participate equally in the registration
of the new TLDS? Is there heavy lobbying to ICANN? Is it possible to have a public
organization really be for the people or fall to the interest groups with deep pockets.
And is there anything that we the people can do to promote democracy for
this powerful issue?