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Username: roykess
Date/Time: Sun, October 29, 2000 at 5:12 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Visual Computing Systems supports .one


  I am writing to support the application for a new TLD being submittedby Group One Registry.  I have reviewed the proposal and
believe it is sound and would be of substantial benefit to the Internet community and could stimulate the growth of services available on the Internet that would in turn stimulate invention in many fields.

Visual Computing Systems Corporation and a consortium of partners are developing a family of intelligent motion control modules for use in a wide range of industrial, aerospace, commercial, and consumer applications.  These modules will allow robots, machine tools, electric vehicles, aircraft, home appliances and more to be designed and constructed with great ease.  The .one approach will allow these versatile robotic systems to communicate effectively.  This will greatly facilitate the operation, monitoring and diagnostics of these systems from anywhere in the world.
Group One has an excellent idea to provide an infrastructure that others can use to invent the machines of tomorrow. This is an exciting proposal! .one will further empower a world of innovators to make the Internet even more useful and dynamic than it is today!


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