<<<< The staff of NSI is MUCH larger than the staff of IOD. If NSI's staff
is not sufficient to handle the business, how on earth can IOD expect to? >>>>>NSI
handles 3 TLDs, one of which is the much coveted .com.
The registrations in .web
will not start out at a .com level of registrations. Or even at a .org level.
a look to .tv's registration frequency, or .cc's. Though .web is a better TLD than
these, I think the number of registrations in .web will start out as being closer
to these ccTLDs, than to .com, net or even .org
Afterall, how many people really
know the difference between a ccTLD and a gTLD, and that .tv, .cc and .ws are extensions
intended for specific countries?
Don't act as though .web will get 20 million registrations
any time soon.
Such a statement would be a lie.