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Username: smart
Date/Time: Sat, November 11, 2000 at 2:33 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IOD is Technically Sufficient


Verisign also known as Network Solutions Inc. has recently began to offer multilingual domain names.  As anyone who has attempted to register these names can testify, Verisign's system has been down 90% of the time since it began offering the domains yesterday at 4:00 pacific standard time.

It is nonsensical for ICANN to contest IOD's technical ability to handle registrations when Afilias (aka NSI) cannot get ITS act together when it starts a new program from scratch.

Unlike Afilias or the other .web proposals, IOD has already PROVEN it can register 20,000 names without crashing. 

GIVE IOD THE .WEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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