we're not hiring our "smart network people" from Cal Poly, if you must know, though
we are hiring some "smart customer service people" from there. I assure you, the
resumes that I have for network staff are more than adequate in and of themselves.
But in case they weren't, I've talked to quite a few very smart networking people
over the past 3 months who are ready to come to work for us. And actually, many of
them already do, as contractors, and helped us with our latest upgrade as well as
the preparation of our application. ICANN's criticism of our lack of technical staff
is ironic in that not only do we have a considerable force of contractors (and hence,
they were not named as employees as they are not), but Afilias has a total staff
of zero. None. Their claim that they have a wide technology pool to draw upon in
their membership is questionable, at best. First off, their members are all over
the world - are they going to relocate that many people? And even if they are, do
you actually believe that register.com is going to just let their top network guys
relocate to take a job at Afilias? I don't think so.We're both in the same boat
as far as hiring. The difference is, we've already done it, with our contractors,
the vast majority of whom have said they would like full-time jobs. Just another
place where ICANN heaped criticism on our application where it was not only not warranted,
but actually more apropos to the other .web applicants. Feel free to criticize
our application, but please do not just presume that we cannot handle running a registry
based on your own preconceived notions. If you're really that curious, feel free
to set up an appointment with me, and I'd be glad to give you a tour of our facilities
and talk to you about network and registry operations and stability. I'll even introduce
you to some of our smart people. Shall I ask a few of them to post to this comment
board and introduce themselves? It would be clutter, but if it would go towards your
fears, I'd be please to do it. Oh, and one other thing - please don't compare us
to NSI, by the way. They don't learn from their mistakes, but we do (learn from their
mistakes). It's my opinion that our technical staff is better than theirs (especially
since David Holtzman left - now if he was still there, I might have to change that
assessment). Christopher Ambler
| Christopher Ambler CTO, Image Online Design, Inc. The .Web Internet Domain Registry http://webtld.com