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Username: cambler
Date/Time: Sun, November 12, 2000 at 6:42 AM GMT (Sat, November 11, 2000 at 10:42 PM PST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Answers


First, it does not appear highly questionable. ICANN's staff report drives home two key points. First, that their criticism was one-sided and based on errors and incorrect assumptions. And second, that the ICANN staff felt that even though they erroneously thought we had a poor proposal, we still merit further consideration (negotiation with ICANN towards becoming a registry).

Indeed, this indicates that our chances are actually *better* than they were previously, if this process is open and fair. If you feel our chances are worse, especially after the errors in the ICANN staff's analysis have been pointed out, then you must also think that this process isn't open and fair.

Finally, we have the (tm) mark on .Web because the case is not over. We are appealing the case because we feel that the judge made serious errors on matter of law, and we continue to assert trademark rights.

Unless, of course, ICANN wishes to contact us regarding those trademark rights, in which case we'd be more than pleased to add to them to the negotiation. In my personal opinion, it might be appropriate for ICANN to hold those rights in trust for the Internet as a whole, and were we to be selected as the .Web registry, I would personally be inclined to see such happen.

Again, in an open and fair process, this wouldn't be an issue.

I'm glad I could answer your questions for you, and I thank you for asking them in a civil manner.

Christopher Ambler

Christopher Ambler
CTO, Image Online Design, Inc.
The .Web Internet Domain Registry

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