To the business/financial evaluation teams and the general public:We, Human Bios
GmbH Switzerland, have carefully read through
your "Threshold Review" with great
A number of questions arose and we would like to urge you to answer
these questions, even though you are in the position as not to be
bound to answer.
Who participates in the business/financial evaluation teams and
who wrote the
"threshold review"?
It is rather awkward not to know, who wrote it and raises
question to
the yet unanswered position of Mr. Ken Stubbs regarding the whole
It would be unbelievable to see him involved here, after he has been
officially representing CORE.
2. You doubt the reliability of Image Online
designs application.
Wouldn't it be very easy to test this? As IOD clearly has
a first right
on .web, ICANN should discuss a one-weeks-test-bed with IOD, where
Afilias, Neustar and ICANN itself may "bombard" IOD with free-
to a test-databank.
Should IOD not break down completely, as you, the evaluation
suppose, then
they should receive .web. If they DO break down, well,
then they
loose it. To avoid legal consequences, their databank with the 20'000
existing registrations could still be transferred to the winner
(Afilias or
3. We informed ICANN of serious problems within NSI, who are
charging registration fees twice, if domain names are being
transferred to another
registrar. Did you look into that?
4. You feel that IOD will be charging too much
per registration.
We wonder why you haven't yet become active against the practice
NSI, who is currently charging 35$ for the renewal of a domain name.
if we are not wrongly informed, renewals are only possible
through NSI.
first registration fee therefore plays a minor role.
You obviously did not look
into the fact that Affilias' (incl. NSI's)
charge of 6$ form an open contrast
to that current renewal charges of
35$ within .com, .net and .org. It doesn't
add to Afilias' credibility.
Main question here: How high will the renewal cost/year
be, if
Afilias get .web? After you know this, you may compare again.
5. Besides
this: The registration costs through any round-robin
method are much higher than
through the current first-come-first-
serve system.
We suspect that this fact
has not been taken into account, either:
"Premium services" remained unmentioned
so far. Why?
Please: These costs are of major interest to the general public.
We are sorry you didn't raise the question whether or not the
enormous market
strength of a multi-company like the recently joined
Afilias group won't harm
the interests to introduce diversity.
We personally think it does, because one
worldwide active company is
not equal to many companies active worldwide.
you are not about to create a worldwide monopole.
Please reconsider this.
We wonder why the application of NeuStar has not been refused.
The release shows
that NeuStar submitted .web on their own, yet their
application still lists "JVTeam"
as the technical and financial basis.
NeuStar's .web application doesn't reflect
the current situation
anymore. We can't see, why it wasn't refused.
The fact
that this application has "generously" NOT been refused
raises questions as to
the objectivity of the evaluation team.
Miscellaneous: Although we are not
able to endlessly follow time-
consuming forums, we have a close look at the process
and urge you to
answer our questions. In our eyes it is pointless to open one
after the other, BEFORE old questions were answered openly.
We feel that
you may hand .biz to Afilias for reasons only few people
may share, but it is
imperative to hand .web to IOD (possibly after a
short, "artificial" testbed-period).
you don't, you will enter history as the admistration, who itself
the internet through questionable decisions.
Be careful not to create a similar
situation to the one in Israel,
when the land was given away from the international
without owning it and ended up as being owned by two groups.
cared about buying the land before giving it away
at that time, either. It turned
out to be a fatal mistake.
Please note that this is not a political statement
whatsoever, but
just a simple example (cyberspace vs. real land).
IOD has made
".web" known worldwide, even if, due to the fact that no
access to the A-root
servers was given, only 20'000 registrations
were made till now. Their investments
seem to be comparably low, but
this might just be due to the fact that they did
their work
themselves, without delegating it to "highly charging groups".
effords and merrits are outstanding and need to be estimated.
Kisters et al.
Human Bios GmbH
Seeblickstrasse 34-36
8280 Switzerland