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Username: mystwoman
Date/Time: Tue, November 14, 2000 at 1:03 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: what's all the ruckus?


        I don't understand the resistance to .kids. If people don't want to direct their kids there, they won't go and it won't be a problem. If people want their kids to explore outside the .kids domain intraweb, the web will let them and .kids won't stop them. All this hand-waving about freedom doesn't disguise the fact that even with a restricted domain all those other choices are still there and will continue to exist for parents who want that for their kids.
What exactly is the resistance for parents who care to have this option? If it doesn't limit the choices of groups outside of this domain {parents who care}, why try to prevent it?


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