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Username: julie
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 12:39 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Reply to Blondie


Blondie, I assume your plea for help in understanding what hoarding is was rhetorical as it seems you not only understand the concept, you justify it as a fundamental right of private property in a capitalist society. I do not argue the basic premise of that argument. The Govt. of TUVULA has every right to make a deal with a "for profit company" to help them allocate and administer the ccTLD that was assigned to their country. And although I am not aware of the rules regarding the subcontracting and disposition of ccTLDs I assume that the "for profit company" has every right to determine the terms under which some or all of the second level domains will be distributed. But whether they are distributing apples or domain names there are still rules and principles of conduct which "for profit companies" must adhere. (even in a capitalist society).They are called Laws. I have seen first hand and  have read a number of comments on forums which indicate that DOT .TV may have operated outside of those fundamental principles or laws which provide the consumer with the expectation of being treated in good faith, and with fair and honest dealing. It will take someone with the means to contest and a court of law to determine whether they have actually broken the law. But even without a court ruling I am convinced that DOT TV has acted in such a way as to make them unworthy of being awarded a gTLD. Which I may add is a different animal than a ccTLD. I agree that $3.50 is a very attractive proposed price level for a domain name, but in the case of DOT PRO they are talking about 3rd level domain names. I do not believe that there will be a huge demand for this type of Domain Name. Eventually .TV will want to sell the more desireable and valuable 2nd level .PRO domains. They have not said that they will sell the 2nd level .PRO domains for $3.50. in fact there is no mention of this in thier proposal at all. I also find any of of the economic forecasts made in the two DOT TV proposals to be suspect based on the discrepancies between the reported Number of domains sold and the amount of income derived from those sales. (over 100,000 domains sold and only $1,433,000 in sales) Why hasn't anyone from DOT TV addressed this issue yet? Maybe you can explain it....


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