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Username: TLDdaddy
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 2:05 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ICANN, please, approving dotPRO is a NO-BRAINER


        mr. roberts et al -

THANK GOD FOR THE dotPRO CONSORTIUM!  their proposal must make your life so easy:

first, their proposed third-level name classification mechanism is a BRILLIANT SOLUTION to the confusing domain name classification/organization issues as well as the squatting issues that are just running rampant under the current system.

second, this group is one of the most, if not THE most, technically savvy consortia to come together to drive the Internet to the next level.  lycos/terra, sk telecom, dotTV - IT'S A VERITABLE DNS DREAM TEAM.

third, YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS PRICE POINT.  at $3.50 per reg, it's clear that THESE GUYS GET IT:  nsi is ripping us all off; operating a registry can be done and done well for much less; and THE INTERNET IS FOR EVERYBODY - let's price it for everybody, not just the economically elite.

please, mr. roberts, do the right thing.  let the dotPRO consortium help guide the internet and the domain name system into the 21st century.

respectfully submitted,



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