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[gnso-consensus-wg] Draft 17 July Meeting Report and Proposal Tally Sheet

  • To: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] Draft 17 July Meeting Report and Proposal Tally Sheet
  • From: Robert Hoggarth <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 19:59:41 -0700


Attached please find my attempt to summarize your deliberations during the last 
call on Thursday.  As usual, please let me know if there are any substantive 
points or decisions that I missed or that I should clarify. As with my previous 
reports, please note that the document is intended to be an informal tool to 
help focus the effort and is not intended to be an official transcript. It 
commits you to nothing and failure to comment or correct this informal record 
does not indicate assent.  My interpretation continues to be that the final 
document - in whatever form, if any, it takes - will be the only binding 
document this group produces.

The Tally Sheet Explained

Also, as requested during the Thursday meeting, I have attached a tally sheet 
listing several significant proposals that you have discussed or noted over the 
course of your deliberations. I experimented with a number of different 
formats, but in the end my lack of Excel expertise drove me back to the format 
Philip used in circulating his 16 potential options that you reviewed during 
meeting #3.

Using Philip's original format and retaining his original option numbers, I 
simply deleted most options that were not significantly noted or discussed and 
added the three proposals discussed at meeting #5 on Thursday.  The tally sheet 
has 11 lines - the status quo (both weighted and non-weighted); the BGC 
majority position (incorporating Jon N's proposed modification to that 
position) and the BGC minority position; the Joint Users Proposal - as modified 
during these deliberations; and other proposals submitted over the least two 
weeks by Milton, Steve, Philip, Chuck and Jon. I also included option #5 from 
Philip's original list - although no one mentioned it in detail, it seemed to 
represent the one "extra" option during meeting #3 that offended the least 
number of group members at the time and I thought it would be worth a moment to 
get your current reactions to it.

You do not need to vote on the status quo lines, they are simply there as a 
matter of reference. Any substantive errors or omissions or formatting glitches 
on the sheet are mine alone.  Please don't let them distract you from 
indicating your current opinions/positions.

I fear that despite my best intentions, that I may have overcomplicated the 
original intent of this exercise with my various entries and qualifying notes 
on the tally sheet. I hope not, but if so, I do apologize.  This is in many 
respects a straw poll of current opinions/positions that simply requires that 
you indicate your current view on each option in one of the three columns on 
the right. Feel free to color-fill the box that reflects your viewpoint.

I know that this was a concept that we did not have time to fully vet at the 
end of Thursday's meeting. I guess if all parties do not choose to participate 
in the exercise we will simply not have a complete tally.

I'll tally all results that I get from the group by early morning on 22 July, 
unless I get all your responses sooner.

Hope you're all having a good weekend. Looking forward to the call next Tuesday.


Rob Hoggarth

Attachment: 2008-07-17 GNSO Consensus Group Meeting Report.doc
Description: 2008-07-17 GNSO Consensus Group Meeting Report.doc

Attachment: GNSO Reform Options Tally Sheet 2008-07-19 rlh.xls
Description: GNSO Reform Options Tally Sheet 2008-07-19 rlh.xls

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