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Re: [gnso-consensus-wg] a possible wrinkle

  • To: gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-consensus-wg] a possible wrinkle
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 17:45:15 +0200

On 20 Jul 2008, at 11:45, Milton L Mueller wrote:

To suggest at this stage of the game
that we start fiddling with the definition and structure of
constituencies is not very helpful.

i understand why Jon thinks it it is not relevant as his suggestion is for contracted party vs. non-contracted party as opposed to provider vs client which was the path i think the BGC took. Is the bicameral split offered the only one that might make sense, if any bi-cameral split actually does make sense at this point in time for this orgnization.

but when we are thinking on wiping out nomcom appointees and thinking of dividing the council into two, to say that we cannot think of 'fiddling' with the definitions of constituencies is to remove one of the degrees of freedom in the exercise. i thought one of the reasons we started fiddling with the number of nomcom appointees even though that was not in the original mandate as I understood it was because we were going to explore an open field.

in any case I also want to point out that I have spoken with my fellow Nomcom appointees and:

- we do not support the complexity of the bicameral solution as it does not seem to us to provide any real change while making things much more complicated. but perhaps some can show how it is solving the problem. I just do not see it at this point.

- we cannot support any proposal that disenfranchises and destroys the Nomcom model.

while some members of this committee have deprecated the nomcom and its appointees as a purely insider game with no accountability, most of the people who have served as nomcom appointee feel obliged to do their best to support the public interests as they understand and feel that our accountability is in that we will not be renewed in 2 years if we do not fulfill that role or can be expelled by the council itself. there may be better ways to pick outside appointees then the nomcom, but that is not what we are here to argue about, i.e. we are not here to fiddle with nomcom. I believe, and am supported by other council nomcom appointees in this view that 3 voting nomcom appointees chosen to represent general public interests is a necessary component of any solution that has full consensus of this WG. while we were willing to talk about giving up one of the votes if the nomcom was somehow put in a permanent chairing position that does not seem to be on the table at this point, so the discussion is moot.

In my personal view it would be better is the proportion of constituency to nomcom selected were more similar to the board's ratio (though parity between constituency reps and noncom appointees would be ok as well), but I know that is something that would not stand a chance of getting consensus and hence I have not recommended it or discussed it with my fellow NAs.


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