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[gnso-osc-csg] Re: Next Conference call Friday 24 July 13 GMT - Proposed agenda

  • To: OSC-CSG Work Team <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Re: Next Conference call Friday 24 July 13 GMT - Proposed agenda
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 12:54:33 -0300

I am including in this email the revised agenda including some concerns sent
to the list by Victoria and Rafik.
Best regards, looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.

*Proposed agenda*
 * *
1- Report about Board activities, if any. ICANN Staff.
Documents about transparency, openess and representativeness will be sent to
the working team list.

2- Concerns rised by Victoria and Rafik about document revision suggested by
staff and other transparency concerns.

3- Status of Task 1 Wokrplans: subtask leaders SS, Victoria, Krista, Julie.

Subtask 1:
*Develop a recommended framework for participation in any ICANN constituency
that is objective,standardized, and clearly stated. *
Leader: SS

Subtask 2:
*Develop recommendations for clear operating principles for each
constituency to ensure that all constituencies function in a representative,
open, transparent and democratic manner*
Leader: Victoria
Comments about results and actions items of  Subtask 2 acrtivities and
exchange of information after subtask team conference call.

Subtask 3:
*Develop recommendations for creating and maintaining a database of all
constituency members and others not formally a part of any constituency that
is up-to-date and publicly accessible.
Leader: Krista
Feedback about meetings held in Sydney.
Subtask 4:
*Develop a “toolkit” of in-kind staff support and/or services for all
Feedback about tool kit elements letter.

4- Status of identification of Best & Bad Practices.
Pending task: New version of the Constituency Analysis Document revised by
Krista and merged version with the document prepared by Julie.

5- Exchange of ideas about how to organize next steps. Task 2?

6- AOB

OSC CSG wiki link:

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