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Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] Your feedback requested - Section 4.3 Translation

  • To: Working Group <gnso-ppsc-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-wg] Your feedback requested - Section 4.3 Translation
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 13:58:19 -0400

On 17 May 2010, at 10:47, Marika Konings wrote:

> 4.3. Translation
> ICANN uses the following translation principles:
> ICANN will provide timely and accurate translations, and move from an 
> organisation that provides translation of texts to one that is capable of 
> communicating comfortably with a range of different languages. The 
> translation framework comprises a four-layer system:
> -      The bottom layer contains those specific documents and publications 
> that address the organisation’s overall strategic thinking. They will be 
> translated into an agreed block of languages. 
> -      The next layer contains a class of documents that ICANN undertakes to 
> provide in different languages to allow interaction within ICANN processes by 
> non-English speakers. 
> -      The third layer comprises documents suggested by ICANN staff as being 
> helpful or necessary in ongoing processes; and documents requested by the 
> Internet community for the same reasons. These documents will be run through 
> a translation approval system. 
> -      The top layer is where the community is encouraged to use online 
> collaborative tools to provide understandable versions of ICANN materials as 
> well as material dynamically generated by the community itself. ICANN will 
> provide the technology for community editing and rating, and a clear and 
> predictable online location for this interaction to occur. It will also seek 
> input from the community to review the tools. 
> English will remain the operating language of ICANN for business consultation 
> and legal purposes.
> Every effort will be made to ensure equity between comments made in languages 
> other than English and those made in English. If it is not possible to 
> arrange the release of particular documents in the agreed languages at the 
> same time, then each language will be provided with the same time period in 
> which to make comments. 
> ICANN will adopt the International Organisation for Standardisation’s 639-2 
> naming system for identifying and labeling particular languages.
> [Editorial Note: additional recommendations made by other teams or committees 
> such as the OSC Communications Team or the Public Participation Committee may 
> be added once available, as appropriate].
> Comments:
> From INTA: - as an international organization, the Committee applauds ICANN’s 
> commitment to provide translations into multiple languages. The Committee 
> recommends that, when feasible, translations be provided into some or all of 
> the following languages, mirroring the languages on ICANN’s website: Arabic, 
> Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, 
> Russian and Spanish (See Section 4.3, paragraph 2, second bullet point).

that is a lot of languages, but not an unreasonable set.

> · as an active and frequent participant in consultations concerning 
> government and nongovernment organizations that impact brand owners, the 
> Committee applauds ICANN’s foresight to have WGs seek input from groups and 
> individuals in order to further inform WG members about matters concerning 
> the working group and which are of interest to the ICANN community. The 
> Committee respectfully submits that the WGs should also consult, depending on 
> the WG’s subject matter, groups and individuals with technical expertise in 
> preserving the Internet’s stability, security and interoperability as well as 
> groups and individuals representing brand owners (See Section 4.3, paragraph 
> 2).

seems reasonable

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