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Re: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] RE: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] RE: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 17:50:00 +0100

This seems like a good suggestion, but would it not be putting Chuck in the 
difficult position of having to pick up, in a short amount of time, Jeff's 
experience on this SC?

I know Chuck is extremely aware of all these issues and would probably not have 
a problem doing that, but that may still be something we might want to ask 
ourselves before volunteering him for the job.

On the subject of Jeff, Avri has voiced a clear concern. Jeff has clearly 
stated that he would step down if requested to. Others say they see no concern.

I would like to raise this during our wrap-up today and see what the Council 
feels about it. On a personal level, I think it is up to Jeff to decide what he 
wants to do and that discussion may help him do so.



Le 9 déc. 2010 à 13:45, Avri Doria a écrit :

> PS.
> I would like to point out, speaking of Chuck stepping down from the OSC.
> I understand that soon Chuck will no longer have that conflict of interest 
> and spoke of having a lot of free time on his hands.
> He also knows a lot about how PDPs work and don't work after his recent stint 
> as a GNSO Council member and chair.
> He has been tracking the group's work as chair and is pretty much up to speed.
> He has recently shown with the Rec6 that he knows how to get a group to work 
> quickly.
> And coincidentally he was also a RySG member so there would not be change in 
> the balance of power.
> And even more conveniently, he was also against the motion I supported to 
> close the PPSC and OSC.
> So a change could be made if Jeff stepped down that would in most probability 
> not affect the work of the PPSc in any deleterious manner.
> a.
> On 9 Dec 2010, at 07:24, Avri Doria wrote:
>> On 9 Dec 2010, at 07:08, Neuman, Jeff wrote:
>>> I am going to refer this question to the icann staff.  I do not share her 
>>> view that simply serving as the chair of the group should silence me during 
>>> any council discussions.  That would be a first.  Avri was never silent in 
>>> the Council discussions with any of the groups she chaired.  Neither is/was 
>>> Olga, edmon, chuck, Alan and countless other councillors silent on any of 
>>> topics at the Council level for groups that they chaired.  I also want to 
>>> note that Avri was given plenty of air time at the Council meeting 
>>> yesterday on defending the work of her groups, one of which she chaired.  
>>> Perhaps that too was improper?  Also Avri's constant instant messaging to 
>>> the NCSG reps during the entire Council meeting also would be suspect and 
>>> in my opinion constitutes "participation" in the discussions and would have 
>>> to be banned on the topics/groups she chairs.
>>> If I have to recuse myself from a vote, that would also be a first (given 
>>> the above groups), but I would be happy to get an opinion from staff on 
>>> that as well.
>>> I have to state for the record that the timing of this request is more than 
>>> suspect and comes less than an hour after a motion that she wanted did not 
>>> want passed unanimously.
>> My concern comes not from whether the motion was passed or not, but the way 
>> in which you acted while the motion was being discussed.  Lots of things I 
>> disagree with are done by council members, so your accusations are 
>> unwarranted. But your accusations do represent the kind of problems you see 
>> when there is a conflict of interest.  Now that you are on the council, and 
>> its leadership team, you need to hold yourself to a higher standard. 
>> Also this is more related to the new methods of behavior that are being 
>> established in this new managerial council and the ideas about the way to 
>> run working groups, then it is on the history of the old council.
>> Also Alan does not have a vote in the council.  Chuck stepped down as chair 
>> of the OSC when a similar issue was brought up last year, that is why Philip 
>> is now the char of the OSC.  In regards to Olga, she is not chairing a 
>> Standing Committee, but had I been paying attention to her WT I may have had 
>> similar remarks - though the identity of WT as just subgroups in the SC 
>> might have some effect on the subject.  In the PDP WT however, the decisions 
>> was for the chair of the PPSC to al chair the Wt, while the alternate chair 
>> covers the WG WT.  Thus chairing the PDP Wt is a function of you being chair 
>> of the PPSC.
>> I just do not believe that having SCs or  WGs by council members, especially 
>> its leadership team is an accountable process and believe that it cause 
>> conflicts of interests.    There needs to be a separation between the 
>> managers and those who are managed for there to be accountability.
>> a.

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