[gnso-whois-study] documents for tomorrow's call
All, Attached please find three draft documents for your review, as follows: 1. Updated tally sheet of participant/constituency views 2. Draft updated list of study submissions that includes the GAC proposals under the designated category. Please consider also a new "category 8" which includes several GAC recommendations that do not map to any study previously recommended. 3. DRAFT placeholder "report" to the GNSO Council with gaps where group viewpoints can be inserted. Feel free to suggest edits to the background text I've drafted. To-date I have not seen any draft language for the 2 viewpoints shared on the full list. Note that on our last call we agreed that representatives of the (2) differing viewpoints would draft initial language setting forth the two points of view and supporting rationale. The group that is supporting further studies would also try to develop a proposal for certain studies, and supporting rationale, that all study proponents might endorse. This would form the basis for text in the attached report, sections 2 and 3. Let's discuss all on tomorrow's call, including how we can expedite completion by 22 May. BTW I'm still pursuing follow-up on the request about IRIS and CRISP. I hope to have some feedback ASAP. Thanks, Liz Attachment:
WHOIS study priority tally.doc Attachment:
WHOIS-study-suggestion-report- updated 10 May with GAC 2008.doc Attachment:
GNSO WHOIS Study Group report to the Council draft v1 May 12.doc