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Username: jrosenthal
Date/Time: Mon, July 3, 2000 at 5:06 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: If you had read...


        If you had read one of my previous posts, you would have seen that I actually have preregistered several .web domains. Go back and read my post. My belief is that preregistrations of any kind are completely pointless and go against the main purpose for opening up new namespaces. So I guess when it comes down to it, I stand to lose a few bucks if IOD preregistrations don't stand, however I am not bothered by that because I knew the risks involved and I feel that it is more important that ICANN gets it "right" when it comes to releasing new gTLDs.

I urge ICANN to review all applications for registries and make sound, solid decisions. If IOD has the best proposal for .web, by all means let them run the registry. However, I am against ANY preregistrations, whether they come from IOD, Namespace, CORE, or any other entity. Because IOD seems to be the only entity talked about in this forum, they are referenced most frequently when it comes to preregistrations.


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