<<<< My belief is that preregistrations of any kind are
completely pointless and go against the main purpose for opening up new namespaces.
As I have said in a previous post: HOW DO YOU RECKON THIS IS SO?
the database, and within hours you will have far more domains registered to far fewer
people than are currently evidenced in IOD's database, which has, I believe, thousands
of registrants.
<<<< However, I am against ANY preregistrations, whether they come
from IOD, Namespace, CORE, or any other entity. >>>>>
So, what do you think IANA
authorized when they said, "Take registrations." You have yet to answer this simple
WHAT was IANA approving?! A fiasco that would hurt innocent people because
they were pawns in an elaborate testing system?!!
If that was the case, they should
have demanded that IOD say, "Just a simulation, folks. Your registrations are free
and invalid!"