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Username: plasticsman
Date/Time: Sat, October 21, 2000 at 3:56 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: support .museum


      Yes, .museum is an excellent proposal, but please forget the others (.mus, .museo, etc. I am surprised at the outburst from the .gallery or .zoo supporters, the word 'museum' can and does include a wide range of accesible (and inaccessible)collections and I supect that most English speakers will understand this. ICOM has a sophisticated definition of a museum, but the public concept of what could be classed under the .museum TLD is probably more important. Museums are exceptional sources of information about every aspect of life and our environment, putting them together on the net with a .museum TLD will offer a significant database of information that readily accessible and recognisable.Of course, many of the sites are already present on the net, but difficult to locate.
I congratulate ICOM for making the proposal and hope that they acknowledge that, if granted, they may be involved take on a far greater responsibility than currently imposed upon them by their current membership. Many museums (real and virtual) exist all over the globe without being ICOM members. They may well want a .museum tld and ICOM must be senseitive to these organisations who have already decided NOT to join ICOM but to request a .museum tld.
Good luck with the application


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