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Username: Tantric
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 12:10 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.72 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Digital Identity


        One of the challenges facing us in the next decade is the establishment of global digital identities, both corporate and individual.

The proliferation of usernames, passwords and URLs all militate against a simple and singular identity.

People and organisations need to be assured that their identities are unique and that their associated attributes and values are accurate and secure.

Novell's undisputed lead in the field of directory services places it in an ideal position to deliver, through the .dir TLD, such a service.

Through authenticated access to the .dir directory it will be possible for any organisation or individual to be assured that they are being accurately represented on the Internet and that other entities can access only the information that they are legitimately entitled to access.

Furthermore, I earnestly hope that one day I will have just one username,!


Link: Tantric

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