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Username: Hz
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 5:28 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Hopefully development is allowed



I have read this application like some of the other more futuristic ones. I also have seen kent's comments and I guess he has the point there so I put my comments here. This proposal looks like a suggestion to be allowed to start developing a completely new thing together with other mobile companies - not a hammered paper where they say "this is how it must be!" but an open suggestion that will be detailed along the way.

If nothing like this will be allowed to be created, then what's going to happen?

There was a very interesting article about such a situation I think in Wired Magazin. I guess there's a real possibility we will have really advanced special mobile net services available at anytime anywhere and then "that other old net" as a separate (smaller?!) thing of its own when the number of mobile net users is grater than the ones using the net from stationary PCs...



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