These companies and HUNDREDS of other less known dot com ventures had business plans
and projections that looked GREAT and passed the intelligent scrutiny of the most
experienced and net savvy venture capitalists and CPA'
The notion that ANYONE can predict or forecast exact sales of any
business yet established is a misguided one, but business "norms" have always dictated
that capital-seeking companies act as if they know and put it their estimations to
The ability to write a good business plan is to some extent a skill .. but
does that same ability translate to business success?? Not at all. Everyone
who goes to business school can learn to write at least a proper and seemingly viable
business plan, but NO ONE really knows how REALITY will play out.
The ability to
sense the market, hire good people, keep good people and continue to innovate are
just some of the MORE essential skills to operate a successful business.
is exploiting the monstrous subjectivity (in both the assessment and creation of
business plans) to further discredit Image Online Design.
The best Internet
and technology minds can't assess business endeavors well, yet ICANN and it's for-hire
lackeys throw around with foolish confidence future analysis like they have access
to some magical crystal ball that knows all, and whenever they see something they
don't like . they just invoke the increasingly annoying mantra "will endanger the
stability of the Internet".
This is all just a big joke. ICANN clearly does
NOT know their bounds. They will endorse Afilias and bring the wrath of the
world on themselves, and produce their own downfall. The handwriting is on the wall.
One example:
The United States is the number world power NOT because it's people
are smarter or more diligent, but because of a government and economy that respects
individuality and rewards innovation and entrepreneurial efforts. With this in mind,
the failure of ICANN to acknowledge what .WEB has done for 4 years (and their pioneering
tendencies) is beyond ridiculous, and utterly violates proven economic principles
that have created the world's most dominant economy. .. so how can they really be
taken seriously??