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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 12:27 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: This is EXACTLY how a monopoly operates...Massive Media ...Get your Econ 101 book out...


      I have no doubt that Afilias and Neustar will began a propaganda campaign for the dot web TLD...that is what monopolies can do....however it is the people, with a concentrated effort, a vision for themselves that will utilimately prove stronger than any media campaign that they can come up with (e plurbis enum)...By the way, this is an open letter to their spokesperson (Mr Kane)...Come to the ICANN board...and answer the questions we have....With all do respect to you ICANN Board members...This process is far from open...too many revelations have come to light...I really do suggest you take a serious look at IOD's application, as it is a path to opening up competition and bringing stability to the DNS...(see link below)


Just think if Microsoft and Apple computers (in a joint consortium effort) got together in the way Afilias (Network Sol/ Neustar (Ml IT and JV) has (through the media with their purchasing power) the Department of Justice would immediately become involved (regardless of what country they are from)...(because monopolies can spend and influence unfairly)(which explains our plea to reject their applications for dot web, which represents competition to dot com--Another classic textbook move for a monopoly---buy what is in your way---(.WEB and IOD)...If they (Dept of Justice)are not watching now, that undoubtedly happen if either Afilias or Neustar were approved (not because Greg Krajewski says so..because of antitrust laws..regardless of where they plan to put Afilias or Neustar)...That is not a scare tactic...I do support IOD...that is obvious (I do have some self interest here), but I also am a member of the internet community that does not want the bad service that we are accustomed to--I direct you to a link I provide under the Affilias application--unbiased comment board from a different time with respect to Net Sol) 

Although this (monopolistic move) has angered us IOD/Dot Web supporters I hope we give you proof and evidence to show why their applications should not be approved for dot web...

About us IOD supporters

We are a spirited bunch, nonetheless we are committed to IOD's vision (Backed by a solid application--see link below)..We are fighting even harder for IOD and the Dot Web TLD fact they (afilias and neustar) may have further solidified support for IOD...and I guarantee our support will not stop until we have driven our point home...We have begun a grassroot campaign which is a classic textbook response to ANY threat to competition (Econ 101)

Why IOD and Not Afilias or Neustar (for the dot web TLD)

IOD ensures competition (backed by a solid application--see link below)...something that is vital for the internet to grow...Not money and monopoly..(That is NOT what the DNS is about)..far from and monopoly restricts innovation, competition, and will send a clear message that only large companies are capable of handling the affairs with which I speak..(which is what they will have you believe)..This will create a subservient class of businesses in the future, that if they do some how remain...obviously to survive... they will only give support to the "master" as opposed to another paradigm...remember ICANN Board are part of the internet community too....your day jobs can be affected by this latest trend to monopolize...for most of you are probably somehow linked in technology (I assume which you should not do..but I am probably on the mark)...Good luck madam's and sirs..

Feel FREE TO SEND THIS LINK TO ANYONE...(We need all the supporters we can)

Thank you..

Gregory W. Krajewski



Link: IOD Application, "On it's Merit Alone"

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