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Username: fabrcop
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 2:52 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Are you sure? You should be careful with your reckless arguments



  Are you sure that IOD does not have legal rights on .web??!
Be careful: you wrote that the IOD vs CORE lawsuit showed this!
This is completely wrong. IOD vs CORE lawsuit is not closed yet,
and in any case the document you quoted
only means that .web can't be considered a trademark by IOD.

I believe that IOD DOES have legal rights on .web
and in a lawsuit IOD would win its battle,
after the Postel Draft and the 1996 authorization by IANA.

Further on, the whole world knows about IOD's merits on .web ,
and generic Internet users showed their preference for IOD.

That's why ICANN's fair and natural choice for .web is IOD .


Fabrizio Coppola


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