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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the v6 requirement

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] On the v6 requirement
  • From: "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight" <michele@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 19:16:25 +0000

Sorry for top post but on mobile

RIPE gave us a v4 assignment recently but we don't expect to be able to get any 
more from them ever again
At the recent meeting in Rome they were winding down their v4 assignment. 
Policy work
It's really happening so it's all about delaying tactics at this stage 

Mr. Michele Neylon

Via iPhone so excuse typos and brevity

On 23 Dec 2010, at 19:11, "Avri Doria" <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> It was "made into an "issue"" because the point was trying to help those in 
> areas that are less likely to have IPv6 and who meet the need-qualifaictions 
> to get tunneling support to meet this requirement if it was a reasonable 
> requirement.  And if it is not a reasonable requirement, then perhaps we 
> should try for an exemption from the requirement, or for an equivalent 
> substitution, for the needs-qualified applicant.
> But as you have made me face the fact that this is an unreasonable 
> qualification for all applicants and thus a abarier to all by a select few, 
> then perhaps a two track solution is required:
> - 1 not this group to have this barrier to all but a few applicants removed 
> from the AG.
> - 2 assuming that as in most requests for repair of the AG it will be 
> ignored, help people who are needs-qualified cope with this unreasonable 
> requirement.
> This group, in its formation accepted that many of the rules are unreasonable 
> and that it was a duty, as originally declared by the GAC, for ICANN to help 
> those from developing economies overcome those unreasonable requirements.  
> This WG and Karla, seem to be the only ones engaged in trying to meet that 
> duty, and hence all of those problems that would block someone from the 
> developing economies from participating  are made into issues.  Yes, it would 
> be better to have a reasonable and fair deployment scenario for all 
> applicants, but that is perhaps more than we can hope for and beyond our 
> charter, so this group must do what it can because there is nobody else.
> a.
> Note: People have been telling me IPv4 will disappear real soon now for 20 
> years now.  I will believe it when I see it.
> On 23 Dec 2010, at 13:52, Michele Neylon :: Blacknight wrote:
>> Avri
>> If someone wants to run a registry properly they are going to have to 
>> provide a redundant system for dns and a lot more besides. If they can't do 
>> this 100% in their own country they will have to use services overseas 
>> (which is quite normal anyway - most cctld registries use 3rd parties 
>> overseas to handle dns at some level).
>> I don't see why this is being made into an "issue"
>> IPv4 is going to be exhausted very very soon. IPv6 unfortunately isn't 
>> available to everyone everywhere regardless of region. (I can only think of 
>> a handful of ISPs offering it to their users in Europe)
>> So I don't see the ipv6 "issue" as really being of special significance for 
>> this group
>> Regards
>> Michele
>> Mr. Michele Neylon
>> Blacknight
>> http://Blacknight.tel
>> Via iPhone so excuse typos and brevity
>> On 23 Dec 2010, at 18:20, "Avri Doria" <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 23 Dec 2010, at 12:56, Michele Neylon :: Blacknight wrote:
>>>> All LIRs that have v6 assignments have absolutely huge ones. I don't see 
>>>> why having ipv6 is a problem for anyone. If it is then they've got other 
>>>> more serious issues to deal with
>>> Are you making a claim that in all development areas, IPv6 is available and 
>>> running and no one should have any trouble establishing full IPv6 
>>> connectivity from anywhere in the world that someone wants to start a full 
>>> service registry?
>>> Or are you arguing that because there are enough IPv6 addresses whether 
>>> their ISP support V6 or not, that is good enough.
>>> Or is this an argument that they just use RSPs in developed areas and quit 
>>> messing about trying to enter the game themselves.
>>> a.

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