Thanks for your thoughtful is actually a sales portal for "mobile
computing accessories", i.e. laptop computer cases, so that's not a problem.
any event, as an IP lawyer, I deal all the time with cross-promotion and co-branding
arrangements. In other words, I might reach an agreement with whereby
they link to my cases.web site, in return for a percentage of sales which come from
consumers who click through to my site.
Finally, I do not believe that the current
bad arbitration decisions will stand for long. Within the next few years, I
predict that the courts will set clear precedents concerning domain name holders'
rights to use names which do not infringe on any party's trademarks.
By the
way, I don't mind a ".reg" for trademark holders. All of my clients hold federal
and/or California trademarks, and their rights should be protected. I actually
prefer a gtld for trademark holders to an overly broad "sunrise" provision.
A sunrise provision is only acceptable if it is limited to holders of famous marks.
It is totally inappropriate for holders of .com domain names who hold no trademarks.