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Username: enforcer
Date/Time: Sat, July 8, 2000 at 12:53 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Good Points


I am in complete agreement with your statements. In addition, ICANN should bring in one other gtld at the same time as .web - let the existing registrations stand for IOD Designs .web since it is a unique case which will never be repeated but not for the other gtld. Note these are not preregistrations but actual existing registrations and there are only a few thousand of them and many thousands of good names are still available. This will appease all since IOD Designs existing regisrations will be justly recognized  while at the same time another gtld will be available for the world to try there luck at getting business.--- or whatever else they might want. NSI's suggestion of .banc is just a political ploy to make themselves appear to be looking after the world's interests and not just Americas (since .banc is not english) and they do not want competition from .web. My personal preference is for something such as .biz to be added to the root server along with .web. Not approving IOD Designs .web WITH its existing registrations will end up with ICANN being sued in a class action lawsuit which they will not be able to pay to fight or for damages (they could easily be in the billions).       


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