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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sun, July 9, 2000 at 9:56 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Sweep the database of .web AND .tv??



Thanks for your input. I may just point out, that there are still about 100 names of two digits and maybe thousands of three digits to be registered in .web.

If you tried to register such names in for example, it would cost you a fortune (2 digits cost > 10'000$ and 3 digits > 5'000$ PER YEAR!). But nobody is complaining there ...

If you cleaned the database you would never be able to register world.web anyway, because no matter what you technically try to do, there will always be someone professionally mass-registering or it will simply be too expensive for you.

No one who is reasonable would expect to be able to register such a domain name anymore, anyway, unless hundreds of new gtlds are introduced.

I therefore do not think that anybody will be complaining about not being able to register, but just his own two initials.

Your initials, JY, are still available, by the way. Go to and register: WWW.JY.WEB. Maybe this will change your mind.



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