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Username: Sotiris
Date/Time: Tue, July 11, 2000 at 2:45 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: A "professor" of law is what you are, the reality is a different matter however...


      achander wrote: 
      "Domain names, like public lands, constitute a valuable finite resource initially held in the public domain.  The disposition of domain names, therefore, should be designed to benefit the world’s people, rather than to benefit those sophisticated enough to obtain accreditation as a domain name register or crafty enough to pounce on valuable names first.  By auctioning domain names, the value of a domain name would be captured by the public, rather than by private entities that are rewarded too handsomely for their limited insights into the possible value of a name or their work as registrars.  Yet, a domain name auction would not interfere with the exploitation and development of cyberspace, as new names would be allocated by the auction system to those who valued them most highly.  Indeed, it would speed the transfer of a domain name to its highest valued use, short-circuiting the current system that relies on privately negotiated sales to transfer the name from its initial owner to its highest valued user." 

Did you perhaps enjoy reading Marx while "professing" to be studying at Law?  This is the type of mentality the Free Market is up against!  Let's all just lay down and sacrifice ourselves "to benefit the world’s people", as our friend here urges.  The "professor" of Law indeed!   


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