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Username: Approve.Event
Date/Time: Wed, October 25, 2000 at 8:45 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Formal Response


The only opposition expressed, thus far, in this public forum, is an argument that has been debated quite extensively in its application to other new TLD proposals.  We affirm the general arguments presented by ICANN on 10/23/2000 regarding claims to existing TLDs and would like to focus our response on the following details, pertinent to our proposal:

· Most importantly, IEI is not applying to host a TLD on the ORSC rootzone.  We acknowledge ICANN's authority to appoint stewardship over new TLDs, and are requesting their approval to sponsor  the .Event TLD on THEIR root servers.  The decision by other organizations to circumvent ICANN and seek recognition through alternate root servers has created the very fragmentation of the Internet which those same organizations wish now to blame on ICANN.   IEI is fully prepared to compete head-to-head against these other organizations, not only for market share of the event industry, but for utilization of the ICANN root server by the millions of  ISPs worldwide and the general public, as well.  ICANN has already demonstrated its market dominance, legal authority, and functional superiority.

· If "Quasar" desired to be recognized on ICANN's root servers, they had the same opportunity as all other organizations, including IEI, to submit a proposal to ICANN, within the guidelines established by ICANN.  Waiting until other companies had already invested thousands of labor hours and thousands of dollars in the preparation of proposals, to claim a pre-emptive right to certain TLDs, demonstrates either gross ignorance, or a continued disregard for ICANN's authority, and represents the very antithesis of the competitive spirit espoused by ICANN.

· The terms "first use" and "prior use" have been used frequently in an attempt to justify the pre-emptive right of subscribers to alternate root servers to host their TLDs on ICANNs root servers.  It should be noted, however, that several legal precedents exist which refute this position.   Most notably, US and most international patent laws protect "intellectual property" based on when the ideas were first "journalized," not "used."  The founder of IEI is prepared, if necessary, to demonstrate that conceptualization of our proposed .Event TLD clearly predates the recognition of .Event within the ORSC rootzone.  Furthermore, a careful review of our proposal demonstrates a uniquely broad conceptualization of the "event industry" and a logical sub-domain system that has not been evidenced at all by "Quasar."

· IEI's mission statement clearly delineates that we desire to contribute to the international stability, integrity, and security of the Internet.  As a restricted TLD, with a logical, categorical, sub-domain structure, IEI is in a unique position, along with several other proposed restricted TLDs, to offer these benefits to the international Internet community and potentially increase global Internet accessibility and usage.

Despite these compelling arguments for entirely disregarding the pre-emptive claims of subscribers to the ORSC root server, IEI is prepared, if deemed necessary by ICANN, to entertain proposals from "Quasar" to accept names that have already been registered under the TLD .event in the ORSC environment.

Thank you,

Loren Hollingsworth
President, Internet Events International


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