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Username: wiredz
Date/Time: Sat, October 28, 2000 at 12:05 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Here is what is to be considered a "good" registry


Leah wrote:       
"Let's not be silly here.  In addition, there is nothing that says a person has to put up a website within any particular timeframe in com/net/org.  Want lame delegations?  Check the NSI registry and see how many domain names resolve out of the several million registered"

         If you are not aware, there are a number of ways to overcome cybersquatting and domain name speculation :

      (i) Registries should never allow any lame delegations. The MY NIC ( refuses to register domains if they are lame delegations, i.e. name servers not responding authoritively.

      (ii) Registries should make sure that the minimum name servers allowed for any one SLD to be registered is TWO (2) or more.

      (iii) Registries should also make sure that for every SLD to be registered, the name servers are on different international backbones.

      (iv) Registry may use pricing mechanisms however registry should be aware that if the prices are too high the TLD may have less demand.

      I hope that helps you to understand what is a "good" registry and "bad" one.

--Eugene Kang


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