[gnso-vi-feb10] Work-planning
hi all, i wanted to share a little document that i've been chipping away at over the last few days. i'm *most* appreciative of the dialog on the list and would like to stimulate a little more before our meeting next Monday. advance alert, i have no editorial pride and am actively looking for thoughts. this deck is mostly about the way that we might approach our work. i've laid out a series of approaches, a little analysis of the pros and cons of each. of course, picking an approach to the work will also define the scope and thus the content and impact of the work as well. so picking an approach is more than just an exercise in project management. there have been lots and lots of very helpful posts about this and we've been reading them closely and discussing the implications amongst the leadership group. i'm thinking that this draft is in good enough shape to put in front of the rest of you for comments/improvements. apologies in advance for the slide-deck, bullet-point format. i know it can drive people crazy. it's just the tool i use to think about things like this. please give this a read and comment back on this thread. we'll be reading closely and i will work your thoughts into the next draft for discussion during the call on Monday. thanks! mikey Attachment:
VI Project v4.pdf - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.)