You are perfectly right.Trademark conflicts are the major issue.
can only be solved, if trademark holders (and I am holding trademarks myself) have
to register their trademarked domain names in clearly identifiable gtlds as .tm,
.reg or .1 (one - worldwide known trademarks like CocaCola). No one else is admitted
But no trademark protection regarding all other gtlds (.com, ...)should
be kept. They were not created for that purpose!
A certain protection for cctlds
should be established (same rights for individuals names, clubs, businesses, trademarkowners,
who live / registered their name in that country + the well-known first-come-first-serve
After solving this problem, new gtlds, as .web, ... can be introduced
without the fear of endless disputes, which makes a big differnece to the situation
we have now.
I am sure ICANN is responsible enough to consider this.