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Username: WorldThoughts
Date/Time: Tue, June 27, 2000 at 5:08 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.08 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: That makes me laugh.


        <<<<<< Actually, nobody has the authority to claim the own a "future" gTLD, like .web, .sex, .firm, etc. Pre-registering your domain in any of the "future" new gTLDs is NO gurantee that you will get your favourite name. >>>>     
God, I am tired of statements like this.

I have the authority to claim the ownership of my .webs through IOD because IOD got the authority to sell it to me, from IANA who had the authority to make such decisions involving gTLDs.

You say that registering our domain in a future new gTLD is no guarantee that I will get it?? How about this. LEGALLY buy a LEGAL house that is yet to be built, through a legal contractor, that is authorized through the Federal government to sell it to you, using LEGAL money--and THEN be told that it is not yours once it is built. The process was legal, the transaction was legal, and you have the contract to prove it.

Wouldn't you think that the ILLEGALITY is with the agency or the government that reneged on the deal? Yes, and you could take them to court and win your house.

And people like you screaming on the sidelines, "You don't own your house even though you bought it," are WAAAAAAAY out of line.

Now, the risk is whether or not IOD is granted the contract. If they are NOT, then I know my sale is lost because THAT was the risk. But if they ARE granted the rights to .web, my contract is active, valid, and binding--and anyone who takes it from me is breaking an agreement that was made on at LEAST two levels above me.

Is there any part of this you don't understand? Stomp your feet, cry to mommy, climb the tallest mountain in Tibet and denounce my name, God and the World Order. But don't. . . for a second. . . think that these sentiments invalidates my contract which is my registration--should IOD be approved.


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